Opciones de pago:

Bank transfer
Euro checks
U.S. $ checks

Pie de imprenta e información sobre la resolución de litigios en línea

Información sobre resolución de litigios en línea

"Online Dispute Resolution" (ODR platform by EU regulation)

Link to EU online dispute resolution (splatform)

Information according to Paragraph. 14 of EU Regulation no. 524/2013 (ODR Regulation)

Information for online dispute resolution: The European Commission presents an Internet platform for online dispute settlement (so-called "ODR platform") as a focal point for the extrajudicial settlement of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from online contracts on goods or services used.

The EU Commission OS platform can be accessed at the link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr

We can be reached via e-mail address: Ruediger.Eisenhammer@t-online.de
Condiciones generales

Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auktionen

die auch ohne schriftliche Anerkennung bei Einsendungen von Geboten, Erteilung von Kaufaufträgen oder persönlichen Geboten auf der Auktion ausschließlich maßgebend sind.

1. Die Versteigerung ist öffentlich und freiwillig und erfolgt mit Ausnahme eigener Lose in fremdem Namen gegen sofortige Bezahlung nach Erhalt der Auktionsrechnung. Andere Zahlungsmodalitäten müssen vereinbart werden.

2. Die Steigerungssätze lauten wie folgt:
bis 50,- € Ausruf 2,- €
bis 200,- € Ausruf 5,- €
bis 500,- € Ausruf 10,- €
bis 1.000,- € Ausruf 20,- €
über 1.000,- € Ausruf 50,- €
Von diesen Steigerungssätzen abweichende Gebote werden aufgerundet. Schriftliche Aufträge werden nach diesen Steigerungssätzen interessewahrend ausgeführt. Telefonische Aufträge müssen schriftlich bestätigt werden. „Bestens“-Gebote werden bis zum Dreifachen des Ausrufpreises mitgesteigert.

3. Der Meistbietende erhält den Zuschlag jeweils eine Steigerungsstufe über dem vorliegenden nächstniedrigeren Gebot. Bei gleichen Geboten entscheidet das Los. Der Auktionator ist berechtigt, den Zuschlag zu verweigern, Lose bei Unstimmigkeiten noch einmal auszurufen, Lose umzugruppieren oder zurückzuziehen.

4. Generell ist der Ausrufpreis der Mindestpreis.

5. 1.Zum Zuschlagpreis wird das Aufgeld von 16 % aus der Zuschlagssumme und die Losgebühr von 2,- € je Los berechnet. Hinzu kommen ggf. die Versandkosten, in denen Porto, Verpackung und Versicherung enthalten sind. Die gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuer wird gesondert ausgewiesen. Auf alle Lose wird die gesetzliche MwSt. von 19% nur auf die Aufschläge berechnet . Auf Lose von Händlern (mit * vor der Losnummer gekennzeichnet) wird die MwSt. von 19% auf den Zuschlagspreis berechnet.

6. Das Einreichen von Geboten und der Zuschlag verpflichten zur Abnahme. Das Eigentum an der ersteigerten Ware geht erst mit Zahlung des vollen Kaufpreises, die Gefahr bereits mit dem Zuschlag auf den Käufer über. Die Zustellung der gekauften Lose erfolgt für Rechnung und Gefahr des Käufers.

7. Den Zuschlagspreis zuzüglich Aufgeld, Losgebühr, Versandkosten und MwSt. hat der Käufer sofort nach Erhalt der Auktionsrechnung an den Auktionator zu zahlen oder auf eines seiner Konten zu überweisen, worauf erst Anspruch auf Auslieferung der ersteigerten Lose besteht.

8. Wird die Zahlung nicht sofort nach Erhalt der Auktionsrechnung geleistet, geht der Käufer seiner Rechte aus dem Zuschlag verlustig, desgleichen, wenn die pflichtgemäße Abnahme verweigert wird. Der ersteigerte Gegenstand kann dann ohne Benachrichtigungen freihändig verkauft oder noch einmal versteigert werden. Der vorherige Käufer haftet in diesem Fall für Mindererlös und Kosten, hat aber auf einen etwaigen Mehrerlös keinen Anspruch. Bei verspäteter Zahlung werden dem Käufer ein Verzugszuschlag von 2 % auf den Gesamtbetrag der Rechnung, 5,- € pro Mahnung und 1 % Zinsen pro angefangenen Monat in Rechnung gestellt. Kaufgeldrückstände, Kosten für Nebenleistungen und Zinsen kann der Auktionator im eigenen Namen einziehen oder einklagen. München gilt immer als Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand.

9. Der Auktionator hat die Beschreibung der ausgerufenen Lose nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen vorgenommen, aber ohne Garantie für Beschaffenheit und Vollständigkeit. Bei fotografierten Losen ist für Rand, Zähnung, Zentrierung, Stempel usw. das Foto maßgebend. Katalognummern und Wertangaben sind stets nach der neuesten Ausgabe des Michelkatalogs angegeben, außer bei anderen Angaben. Katalogberechnungen gelten stets als „circa“, bei Sammlungen und Lots wird die Wertangabe des Einlieferers angegeben. Größere Lose können gebrauchte und ungebrauchte Marken gemischt enthalten.

10. Reklamationen, ganz gleich welcher Art, müssen spätestens 8 Tage nach Übernahme oder Zustellung mit den beanstandeten Marken beim Versteigerer eingehen. Die Lose und Marken müssen unverändert, d.h. im Originalzustand der Zusendung sein. Reklamationen sind ausgeschlossen, wenn die Lose oder Marken nicht mehr im Originalzustand sind. Die Reklamationsfrist gilt als überschritten, wenn die Lose nicht fristgemäß, d.h. spätestens 14 Tage nach der Auktion abgenommen werden. Bei Losen, die drei oder mehr Marken enthalten, können Reklamationen wegen geringer Fehler einzelner Marken nicht geltend gemacht werden. Den Nachweis der Beanstandung hat der Käufer auf Eigenkosten zu erbringen, ggf. durch Attest eines anerkannten Prüfers. Marken mit Fehlerbeschreibung können wegen anderer Fehler nicht reklamiert werden. Sammlungen, Lots, Engrosposten und sonstige voluminöse Posten sind immer von Reklamation ausgeschlossen, desgleichen Lose, die gegen „Gebot“ ausgerufen und Lose, die zu Untergeboten zugeschlagen wurden. Qualitätsbezeichnungen unterliegen individuellen Ansichten und können daher nie Begründung für eine Reklamation sein.

11. Der Bieter haftet für sein Gebot persönlich, auch wenn er für Dritte steigert.

12. Der Auktionator behält sich vor, bestimmte Personen von seinen Auktionen auszuschließen. Eisenhammer Briefmarken-Auktionen

Política de privacidad

Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auktionen

94th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auktionen Auction
13 febrero 2015

Auction focused on German issues including a large selection of lots sold with no reserve.

Plazos cortos

A buyer´s premium of 16 % is charged on the knockdown price, as well as EUR 2,- Euro per lot. The costs for shipment and insurance will be clearly invoiced. Buyers premium, lot fee and other additional cost is subject to 19 % Value Added Tax; 19% VAT on the knock down is price is only charged, when the lot is consigned by a dealer.

Condiciones de esta subasta

Subastas en curso
21 febrero 2025
194th Eisenhammer Stamp Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
venta posterior
17 enero 2025
193rd Eisenhammer Stamp Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
Resultados de la subasta
17 enero 2025
193rd Eisenhammer Stamp Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
06 diciembre 2024
192nd Eisenhammer Stamp Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
08 noviembre 2024
191st Eisenhammer Stamp Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
11 octubre 2024
190th Eisenhammer Stamp Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
06 septiembre 2024
189th Eisenhammer Stamp Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
12 julio 2024
188th Eisenhammer Stamp Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
07 junio 2024
187th Eisenhammer Stamp Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
26 abril 2024
186th Eisenhammer Stamp Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
22 marzo 2024
185th Eisenhammer Stamp Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
16 febrero 2024
184th Eisenhammer Stamp Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
12 enero 2024
183rd Eisenhammer Stamp Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
08 diciembre 2023
182nd Eisenhammer Stamp Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
10 noviembre 2023
181st Eisenhammer Stamp Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
06 octubre 2023
180th Eisenhammer Stamp auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
01 septiembre 2023
179th Eisenhammer Briefmarkenauction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
14 julio 2023
178th Eisenhammer Stamp auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
09 junio 2023
177th Eisenhammer Stamp auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
28 abril 2023
176th Eisenhammer Stamp auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
24 marzo 2023
175th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
17 febrero 2023
174th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
13 enero 2023
173rd Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
09 diciembre 2022
172th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
11 noviembre 2022
171th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
07 octubre 2022
170th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
26 agosto 2022
169th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
15 julio 2022
168th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
27 mayo 2022
167th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
29 abril 2022
166th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
25 marzo 2022
165th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
18 febrero 2022
164th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
14 enero 2022
163rd Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
03 diciembre 2021
162nd Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
05 noviembre 2021
161st Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
01 octubre 2021
160th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
03 septiembre 2021
159th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
16 julio 2021
158th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
11 junio 2021
157th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
30 abril 2021
156th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
26 marzo 2021
155th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
19 febrero 2021
154th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
15 enero 2021
153rd Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
04 diciembre 2020
152nd Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.
06 noviembre 2020
151th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.

09 octubre 2020
150th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.

04 septiembre 2020
149th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.

24 julio 2020
148th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.

19 junio 2020
147th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.

24 abril 2020
146th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.

27 marzo 2020
145th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.

14 febrero 2020
144th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold for 6 Euro minimum bid.

17 enero 2020
143rd Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

06 diciembre 2019
142nd Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

08 noviembre 2019
141st Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

11 octubre 2019
140th Eisenhammer Stamps Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

30 agosto 2019
139th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

12 julio 2019
138th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

24 mayo 2019
137th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

26 abril 2019
136th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

22 marzo 2019
135th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

15 febrero 2019
134th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

11 enero 2019
133th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

07 diciembre 2018
132th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

09 noviembre 2018
131st Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

12 octubre 2018
130th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

07 septiembre 2018
129th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

20 julio 2018
128th Eisenhammer Stamp Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

08 junio 2018
127th Eisenhammer Stamps Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

27 abril 2018
126th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

23 marzo 2018
125th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

23 febrero 2018
124th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

12 enero 2018
123rd Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

01 diciembre 2017
122th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

03 noviembre 2017
121th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

06 octubre 2017
120th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

01 septiembre 2017
119th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

28 julio 2017
118th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

23 junio 2017
117th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

28 abril 2017
116th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

24 marzo 2017
115th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

17 febrero 2017
114th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

13 enero 2017
113th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

02 diciembre 2016
112th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

04 noviembre 2016
111th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auktionen Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

07 octubre 2016
110th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

26 agosto 2016
109th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

15 julio 2016
108th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

10 junio 2016
107th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

22 abril 2016
106th Eisenhammer Stamp Auction

Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.

11 marzo 2016
105th Eisenhammer Stamp Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.
12 febrero 2016
104th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auktionen Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.
15 enero 2016
103rd Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auktionen Auction
Auction with strong section Germany and a large amount of lots sold at 6 Euro minimum bid.
04 diciembre 2015
102nd Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auktionen Auction
Auction focused on German issues including a large selection of lots sold with no reserve.
06 noviembre 2015
101st Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auktionen Auction
Auction focused on German issues including a large selection of lots sold with no reserve.
02 octubre 2015
100th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auktionen Auction
Auction focused on German issues including a large selection of lots sold with no reserve.
28 agosto 2015
99th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auktionen Auction
Auction focused on German issues including a large selection of lots sold with no reserve.
17 julio 2015
98th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auktionen Auction
Auction focused on German issues including a large selection of lots sold with no reserve.
12 junio 2015
97th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auktionen Auction
Auction focused on German issues including a large selection of lots sold with no reserve.
24 abril 2015
96th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auktionen Auction
Auction focused on German issues including a large selection of lots sold with no reserve.
20 marzo 2015
95th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auktionen Auction
Auction focused on German issues including a large selection of lots sold with no reserve.
13 febrero 2015
94th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auktionen Auction
Auction focused on German issues including a large selection of lots sold with no reserve.
16 enero 2015
93th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auktionen Auction
Auction focused on German issues including a large selection of lots sold with no reserve.
05 diciembre 2014
92th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auktionen Auction
Auction focused on German issues including a large selection of lots sold with no reserve.
07 noviembre 2014
91st Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auktionen Auction
Auction focused on German issues including a large selection of lots sold with no reserve.
10 octubre 2014
90th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auktionen Auction
Auction focused on German issues including a large selection of lots sold with no reserve.
29 agosto 2014
89th Eisenhammer Briefmarken Auktionen Auction
Auction focused on German issues including a large selection of lots sold with no reserve.
11 julio 2014
Eisenhammer 88th Stamp Auction
Auction focused on German issues including a large selection of lots sold with no reserve.
23 mayo 2014
Eisenhammer 87th Briefmarken Auction
Auction focused on German issues including a large selection of lots sold with no reserve,
11 abril 2014
Eisenhammer 86th Briefmarken Auction
Auction with strong offer of German material and as always a large selection of lots starting at 6 Euro each
14 marzo 2014
Eisenhammer 85th Stamp Auction
Auction with strong offer of German material and as always a large selection of lots starting at 6 Euro each
14 febrero 2014
Eisenhammer 84th stamp auction
Auction with strong offer of German material and as always a large selection of lots starting at 6 Euro each
17 enero 2014
Eisenhammer 83rd stamp auction
Auction with strong offer of German material and as always a large selection of lots starting at 6 Euro each.
06 diciembre 2013
Eisenhammer 82nd stamp auction
Auction with strong offer of German material and as always a large selection of lots starting at 6 Euro each.
08 noviembre 2013
Eisenhammer 81st stamp auction
Auction with strong offer of German material and as always a large selection of lots
11 octubre 2013
Eisenhammer 80th stamp auction
Auction with strong offer of German material and as always a large selection of lots
06 septiembre 2013
79th Eisenhammer stamp auction
Auction with strong offer of German material and as always a large selection of lots
19 julio 2013
78th Eisenhammer stamp auction
Auction with strong offer of German material and as always a large selection of lots.
07 junio 2013
77th Eisenhammer stamp auction
Auction with strong offer of German material and as always a large selection of lots.
26 abril 2013
76th Eisenhammer stamp auction
Auction with strong offer of German material and as always a large selection of lots.
22 marzo 2013
75th Eisenhammer stamp auction
Auction with strong offer of German material and as always a large selection of lots.
22 febrero 2013
74th Eisenhammer stamp auction
Auction with strong offer of German material and as always a large selection of lots.
11 enero 2013
73rd Eisenhammer stamp auction
Auction with strong offer German material and as always a large selection of lots startiong at a minimum bid of 6 Euro each.
07 diciembre 2012
71 Eisenhammer stamp auction
Auction with strong offer German material and as always a large selection of lots startiong at a minimum bid of 6 Euro each.
09 noviembre 2012
71 Eisenhammer stamp auction
Auction offer with strong section Germany, many lots starting at 6 Euro. Good selection lots and collections
12 octubre 2012
70 Eisenhammer stamp auction
Auction offer with strong section Germany, many lots starting at 6 Euro. Good selection lots and collections
07 septiembre 2012
69 Eisenhammer stamp auction
20 julio 2012
68 Eisenhammer stamp auction
Auction offer with strong section Germany, many lots starting at 6 Euro. Good selection lots and collections
15 junio 2012
67 Eisenhammer stamp auction
Auction with large offer of German material as well as many lots offered for the minimum bid of 6 Euro each.
27 abril 2012
66 Eisenhammer stamp auction
Auction with large offer of German material as well as many lots offered for the minimum bid of 6 Euro each.
23 marzo 2012
65. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer including around 2700 lots stamps and covers from all over the world ...
10 febrero 2012
64. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer including around 2800 lots stamps and covers from all over the world.
13 enero 2012
63. Eisenhammer stamp auction
large auction offer including around 2500 lots stamps and covers from all over the world.
02 diciembre 2011
62. Eisenhammer stamp auction
04 noviembre 2011
61. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer ...
30 septiembre 2011
60th Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 2900 lots ...
26 agosto 2011
59th Eisenhammer Auction
AUction with strong offer German material. Large section of offers with a starting price of 6 Euro.
15 julio 2011
58. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 2500 lots: stamps and covers ...
10 junio 2011
57. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 2500 lots: stamps and covers from all over the ...
13 mayo 2011
56. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 2900 lots: stamps and covers from all over the world. Included is a ...
08 abril 2011
55. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 2700 lots: stamps and covers from all over the world. Included is a very good section ...
11 marzo 2011
54. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 2600 lots: stamps and covers from all over the world. Included is a very good section German issues from ...
11 febrero 2011
53. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 2600 lots: stamps and covers from all over the world. Included is a very good section German issues from ...
14 enero 2011
52. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 2600 lots: stamps and covers from all over the world. Included is a very good section German issues from ...
03 diciembre 2010
51. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 2600 lots: stamps and covers from all over the world. Included is a very good section German issues from ...
29 octubre 2010
50. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 2900 lots: stamps and covers from all over the world. Included is a very good section German issues from ...
24 septiembre 2010
49. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 2600 lots: stamps and covers from all over the world. Included is a very good section German issues from ...
27 agosto 2010
48. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 2500 lots: stamps and covers from all over the world. Included is a very good section German issues from ...
23 julio 2010
47. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 2500 lots: stamps and covers from all over the world. Included is a very good section German issues from ...
18 junio 2010
46. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 3000 lots: stamps and covers from all over the world. Included is a very good section German issues from ...
14 mayo 2010
45. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 3400 lots: stamps and covers from all over the world. Included is a very good section German issues from ...
16 abril 2010
44. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 3400 lots: stamps and covers from all over the world. Included is a very good section German issues from ...
12 marzo 2010
43. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 3400 lots: stamps and covers from all over the world. Included is a very good section German issues from ...
12 febrero 2010
42. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 3400 lots: stamps and covers from all over the world. Included is a very good section German issues from ...
15 enero 2010
41. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 3400 lots: stamps and covers from all over the world. Included is a very good section German issues from ...
11 diciembre 2009
40. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 2900 lots: stamps and covers from all over the world. Included is a very good section German issues from ...
06 noviembre 2009
39. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 2900 lots: stamps and covers from all over the world. Included is a very good section German issues from ...
02 octubre 2009
38. Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 2900 lots: stamps and covers from all over the world. Included is a very good section German issues from ...
26 junio 2009
35 Eisenhammer stamp auction
Large auction offer with over 3000 lots: stamps and covers from all over the world .