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    ES-28080 Madrid Spain

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Iberphil International Auction - Spain and Colonies
20 novembre 2018

Stamps from Spain and its colonies.

Court conditions générales

Buyer's premium of 20% will be added to the lots selling prices and become a part of a total price of the purchase.

S'il vous plaît noter les conditions d'affaires et ventes

Lots de Lots jusqu'à Starting Time

mardi 20.11.2018

1 1315 16:00 CET
Ventes actuelles
29 janvier 2025
Iberphil - 120th Auction - Spain and Colonies
(Cold) Charity, Aguera, Andorra, Antilles, Asturias and Leon, Bilbliography, Cadiz Local Carriers, Canary Islands, Cape Juby, ...
20 février 2025
Iberphil - 121st Auction - International Auction
Aden-Kathiri, Aegean Islands, Afghanistan, Air Mail Crash Covers, Albania, Albania (Greek Occupation), Argentina, Australia, Austria, ...
Résultats des ventes
20 février 2025
Iberphil - 121st Auction - International Auction
Aden-Kathiri, Aegean Islands, Afghanistan, Air Mail Crash Covers, Albania, Albania (Greek Occupation), Argentina, Australia, Austria, ...
29 janvier 2025
Iberphil - 120th Auction - Spain and Colonies
(Cold) Charity, Aguera, Andorra, Antilles, Asturias and Leon, Bilbliography, Cadiz Local Carriers, Canary Islands, Cape Juby, ...
26 novembre 2024
Iberphil - 119th Auction - Lots and Collections
Collections and Lots from Spain to worldwide
09 octobre 2024
Iberphil - 118th Auction - The Fournier Universe. Part 2
This exceptional set presents a wide offering that includes:
  • Imperforated stamps
  • Progressive ...
08 octobre 2024
Iberphil - 117th Auction - The Fournier Universe. Part 1
This exceptional set presents a wide offering that includes:
  • Imperforated stamps
  • Progressive ...
23 juillet 2024
Iberphil - 116. Auction - Spain and Colonies
Andorra, Antilles, Asturias y León, Bilbliography, Cabo Juby, Canary Islands, Charity Stamps, City Council of Barcelona, ...
12 juin 2024
Iberphil - 115. Auction - Worldwide Lots and Collections
First session. Spain and Colonies. 15:00h CEST, from lot 1 to 425. Second session. Worldwide Collections. 18:30h ...
09 mai 2024
Iberphil - #114. Auction - Spain and Colonies
Andorra, Antilles, Asturias y León, Bilbliography, Cabo Juby, Canary Islands, Charity Stamps, City Council of Barcelona, Civil War, ...
07 mars 2024
Iberphil - #113. Auction - Spain and Colonies
(Cold) Charity, Andorra, Antilles, Asturias y León, Bilbliography, Cabo Juby, Canary Islands, Charity Stamps, City Council of ...
28 novembre 2023
Iberphil - #112. Auction - Stamp Lots and Collections
Stamp Lots and Collections
25 octobre 2023
Iberphil - #110. Auction - The Fournier Universe Part 2
This exceptional set presents a wide offering that includes:
• Imperforated stamps
• Progressive Plate Proofs
24 octobre 2023
Iberphil - #109. Auction - The Fournier Universe Part 1
This exceptional set presents a wide offering that includes:
• Imperforated stamps
• Progressive Plate Proofs
19 octobre 2023
Iberphil - #111. Auction - Stamps Selection
Andorra, Barcelona, Cabo Juby, Canary Islands, Civil War, Cuba, Guinea, Ifni, La Agüera, Patriotic Local Issues, Philippines, ...
25 juillet 2023
Iberphil - #108. Auction Spain and Colonies
Andorra, Antilles, Bilbliography, Cabo Juby, Canary Islands, Charity Stamps, City Council of Barcelona, Civil War, Cuba, Elobey, ...
29 juin 2023
Iberphil - #107. Iberphil – World Wide Stamps Collections and Lots
Large auction made up of 555 world lots with a wide representation of both Spanish and foreign pieces. Great variety of countries and ...
30 mai 2023
Iberphil - Spain and Colonies stamps auction
Albacete, Antilles, Cabo Juby, Charity Stamps, City Council of Barcelona, Civil War, Cuba, Elobey, Annobón y Corisco, Fernando Poo, ...
27 février 2023
Iberphil - Morocco International Auction #103
Extraordinary and select collection which, through 173 lots, reviews the recent history of the Alaoui country, from the ...
27 février 2023
Iberphil - International Auction #102
An extensive and varied auction comprising more than six hundred lots with a wide representation of countries from all five continents. The ...
21 décembre 2022
Iberphil - Spain and Colonies stamps auction
Lots and Collections, Spanish Collection, Spanish Collection Various, Spanish Colonies Collection
24 novembre 2022
Iberphil - Spain and Colonies stamps auction
8th Collection of the Holy Cross
Andorra, Antilles, Asturias y León, Cabo Juby, Charity Stamps, City ...
26 octobre 2022
Iberphil - Spain and Colonies stamps auction
Andorra, Asturias y León, Bilbliography, Canary Islands, Carlist War, Charity Stamps, City Council of Barcelona, Civil War, Cuba, ...
28 juillet 2022
Iberphil - Spain and Colonies stamps auction
Andorra, Antilles, Asturias y León, Bilbliography, Cabo Juby, Charity Stamps, Civil War, Cuba, Elobey, Annobón y Corisco, Fernando Poo, ...
23 juin 2022
Iberphil - Spain and Colonies stamps auction
Lots and Collections, Luxury Proofs, Spanish Collection, Spanish Collection Various, Spanish Colonies Collection
12 mai 2022
Iberphil - 95th World wide stamps, collections and lots
Lots and Collections, Luxury Proofs, Spanish Collection, Spanish Collection Various, Spanish Colonies Collection
11 avril 2022
Iberphil - Spain and Colonies stamps auction
Andorra, Antilles, Asturias y León, Bilbliography, Cabo Juby, Cadiz Local Carriers, Canary Islands, Charity Stamps, City Council of ...
22 février 2022
Iberphil - Spain and Colonies stamps auction
Aerogramme, Andorra, Antilles, Bilbliography, Cabo Juby, Canary Islands, Charity Stamps, City Council of Barcelona, Civil War, Cuba, Elobey ...
24 novembre 2021
Iberphil - Spain and Colonies stamps auction
International Auction including collections, stocks and individual lots of Spain and rest of the world.
27 octobre 2021
Iberphil - Spain and Colonies stamps auction
International Auction including collections, stocks and individual lots of Spain and rest of the world.
27 juillet 2021
Iberphil - Spain and Colonies stamps auction
International Auction including collections, stocks and individual lots of Spain and rest of the world.
26 novembre 2020
Iberphil International Auction - Spain and Colonies
Collections of Spanish and worldwide stamps
20 février 2020
Iberphil International Auction - Spain and Colonies
Collections of Spanish and worldwide stamps
19 décembre 2019
Iberphil International Auction - Spain and Colonies
Collections of Spanish and worldwide stamps
26 novembre 2019
Iberphil International Auction - Spain and Colonies
Collections of Spanish and worldwide stamps
06 novembre 2019
Iberphil International Auction - Spanish and Worldwide Collections
Collections of Spanish and worldwide stamps
25 juillet 2019
Iberphil International Auction - International Philately Auction
We are pleased to inform you that our next auction will be held on 25 July 2019 from 16:00h in our facilities on the 14, Francisco ...
24 juillet 2019
Iberphil International Auction - Spain and Colonies
Lots are available for examination from 22 to 23 July and day 24 until just before the auction, in our facilities on the 14, Francisco ...
27 juin 2019
Iberphil International Auction - Spain and Colonies
We are pleased to inform you that our next auction will be held on 27 Jun 2019 from 16:00h at the Hotel Melia Castilla in 43, Pintor Joan ...
12 juin 2019
Iberphil International Auction - Spanish and Worldwide Collections
We are pleased to inform you that our next auction will be held on 12 Jun 2019 from 16:00h at the Hotel Melia Castilla in 43, Pintor Joan ...
23 mai 2019
Iberphil International Auction - Spain and Colonies
28 mars 2019
Iberphil International Auction - Lots and Collections
Single lots and collections from Spain and its colonies.
20 décembre 2018
Iberphil International Auction - Spain and Colonies
Stamps from Spain and its colonies.
20 novembre 2018
Iberphil International Auction - Spain and Colonies
Stamps from Spain and its colonies.
24 octobre 2018
Iberphil International Auction - Lots and Collections
Spanish Lots and Collections
25 septembre 2018
Iberphil International Auction - Spain and Colonies Stamps
Stamps from Spain and Colonies
19 juillet 2018
Iberphil International Auction - Spain and Colonies Stamps
Stamps from Spain and Colonies
06 juin 2018
Iberphil International Auction - Spain and Colonies Stamps
Stamps from Spain and Colonies
10 mai 2018
Iberphil International Auction - Lots and Collections
Stamps from Spain and Colonies
19 avril 2018
Iberphil International Auction - Spain and Colonies
Stamps from Spain and Colonies
15 février 2018
Iberphil International Auction - Spain and Colonies
Stamps from Spain and Colonies
20 décembre 2017
Iberphil International Auction - Spain and Colonies
Stamps from Spain and Colonies
14 décembre 2017
Iberphil International Auction - International Philately Auction
International Philately Auction with over 1100 Lots
23 novembre 2017
Iberphil International Auction - Spain and Colonies
Lots and Collections Spain and Spanish colonies
03 octobre 2017
Iberphil International Auction - Spain and Colonies
Spain and Colonies Stamps. 3 October 2017
05 juillet 2017
Iberphil International Auction - Spain and Colonies
Spain and Colonies Stamps. 5 July 2017
We are pleased to inform you that our next auction will be held ...
07 juin 2017
Iberphil International Auction - Spain and Colonies
Spain and Colonies Stamps. 7 June 2017

We are pleased to inform you that our next auction will be held ...

01-04 mars 2016
Iberphil International Auction
International auction offer.
23 décembre 2015
Iberphil International Auction
International auction offer.
24-28 novembre 2015
Iberphil International Auction
International auction offering more than 12000 lots.
01-02 juillet 2015
Iberphil International Auction
Iberphil offers its first international auction in which stands out an important set of postal history of South America, including Brazil ...