• Adresse
  • Présentation

    Dear collector:
    Honesty and passion are two terms that have guided us for 40 years to offer our clients the best personalized service. For this reason, it is a pleasure for us to present azsubastas.com, the next step in our journey through this exciting world of collecting.
    We hope that you will like the lots that you will find in our future auctions of stamps, coins or banknotes.
    As members of GFN, ANFIL, IFSDA, ANE, AENP and Submission Center of NGC and PMG, we guarantee the authenticity of all the lots that we offer you.

Payment Options

Bank transfer

Terms and Conditions



The following is the contractual document that will govern the sale of products through the website https://www.azsubastas.com, owned by FILATELIA ALCARAZ SL, (hereinafter the provider). Acceptance of this document implies that the user:

a. Has read, understands and comprehends what is set forth herein.

b. Is a person with sufficient capacity to contract.

c. Assumes all obligations set forth herein.

These Conditions will have an indefinite period of validity and will be applicable to all purchases made through the provider's website.

The provider reserves the right to unilaterally modify said Conditions, without this affecting the goods or promotions that were purchased prior to the modification.



On the one hand, the supplier of the goods contracted by the user is FILATELIA ALCARAZ SL, with address for notification purposes at C/ Nicaragua, 60-62. Local 3. 08029 Barcelona, ​​and with customer service telephone number 934305505

And on the other hand, the user, registered on the website using a username and password, for which he/she has full responsibility for use and custody, being responsible for the veracity of the personal data provided to the provider.



The purpose of this contract is to regulate the contractual relationship of sale born between the provider and the user at the moment in which the latter accepts the corresponding box during the online contracting process.

The contractual relationship of sale entails the delivery, in exchange for a determined price and publicly displayed through the website, of a specific product or service.



You can place your bid:

* Online on our website www.azsubastas.com (24 hours a day, 365 days a year).

* By phone at 934305505 (Monday to Friday, from 09:30h to 17:00h)

* By email info@azsubastas.com indicating the lot number and maximum bid (24h/day, 365 days a year).

In order to access the services offered by the provider, the user must register through the website by creating a user account. To do so, the user must freely and voluntarily provide the personal data that will be requested.

The user will select a username and password, agreeing to make diligent use of them and not make them available to third parties, as well as to notify the provider of the loss or theft of them or of possible access by an unauthorized third party, so that the provider can proceed to immediately block them.


Once the user account has been created, please note that in accordance with the requirements of Article 27 of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the contracting procedure will follow the following steps:

1. In order to complete the purchase process, the customer must register on the website.

2. When registering, the user is first given several fields with identifying data that must be filled in:

3. Finally, the user will receive a confirmation email with the data relating to their account (username and password).

Bidding table used in online mode (*Bids with decimals are not allowed)

Amount  Bid

0-29 €  2 €

30-49 €  3 €

50-99 €  5 €

100-299 €  10 €

300-499 €  20 €

500-999 €  50 €

1000-1999 €  100 €

2000-2999 €  150 €

3000-3999 €  200 €

4000-4999 €  250 €

5000-5999 €  300 €

6000-14999 €  500 €

From 15000 €  1000 €


The provider offers different payment methods.

The buyer may choose between the following methods to pay for their order:

- PayPal (with a registered user or for credit cards, for example American Express)

- Bank card (credit or debit)

- Bank transfer, to account ES09 2100 0878 2302 0028 0952, Caixabank.



Shipments to the peninsula and Portugal, 7.50 euros through NACEX.

Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, 5.95 euros through certified mail.

Europe, 9.95 euros through certified mail.

Rest of the world, 12.95 euros through certified mail.



The provider sends its products by certified mail or 24-hour courier.

When the shipment is made, we will send you the shipment number by email so that you can track it or contact them directly to arrange delivery.

Under no circumstances may the buyer hold the provider responsible for any delays in delivery by the transport agency. In any case, the provider will make every effort to quickly resolve any incident that may arise.

Orders will be delivered to the address freely designated by the user. The provider assumes no liability when the delivery of the product or service is not carried out due to the data provided by the user being false, inaccurate or incomplete.


The item may also be collected from the store.



The shipping time for the awarded items will not exceed 3 working days from the moment payment has been made.

However, the provider informs that, exceptionally, this time may be longer than that specified in the order.



The user will have a period of fourteen calendar days from the date of receipt of the product to exercise their right of withdrawal (here withdrawal form), with the parties having to reciprocally return the services in accordance with the provisions of articles 1,303 and 1,308 of the Civil Code.

The user must return the product within 14 calendar days after the day on which the withdrawal was communicated. In any case, unless the return is due to defects in the product, the costs related to the return shipment will be assumed by the user. Said return will be sent to the address that we will provide in each case.

The article must be in perfect condition and with its original packaging. Articles that have been sent incomplete will not be accepted. In no case will the provider be responsible for any damage or loss that may occur during a return by the customer.

The provider undertakes, once the right of withdrawal is exercised by the user within the legally established period and once the product has been returned, to refund the amount paid by the same payment method as the initial payment was made.

Likewise, we advise that our products are explained on the website, with the properties described in detail, the image being part of the description.



All products offered through the website are completely original, unless otherwise indicated in their description. All of them have a two-year warranty period, in accordance with the criteria and conditions described in Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the Revised Text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws.



These conditions will be governed or interpreted in accordance with Spanish legislation in that which is not expressly established. The provider and the user agree to submit any dispute that may arise from the provision of the products or services subject to these Conditions to the Courts and Tribunals of the user's domicile.

In the event that the user resides outside of Spain, the provider and the user expressly waive any other forum, submitting to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona (Spain).

Privacy agreement



¿Quién es el responsable del tratamiento de tus datos personales?
FILIATELIA ALCARAZ S.L. es el RESPONSABLE del tratamiento de los datos personales del USUARIO y le informa de que estos datos serán tratados de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679, de 27 de abril (GDPR), y la Ley Orgánica 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre (LOPDGDD).
¿Para qué tratamos tus datos personales?
Para mantener una relación comercial con el usuario. Las operaciones previstas para realizar el tratamiento son:
Remisión de comunicaciones comerciales publicitarias por e-mail, fax, SMS, MMS, redes sociales o cualquier otro medio electrónico o físico, presente o futuro, que posibilite realizar comunicaciones comerciales. Estas comunicaciones serán realizadas por el RESPONSABLE y estarán relacionadas con sus productos y servicios, o de sus colaboradores o proveedores, con los que este haya alcanzado algún acuerdo de promoción. En este caso, los terceros nunca tendrán acceso a los datos personales.
Realizar estudios de mercado y análisis estadísticos.
Tramitar encargos, solicitudes, dar respuesta a las consultas o cualquier tipo de petición que sea realizada por el USUARIO a través de cualquiera de las formas de contacto que se ponen a su disposición en la página web del RESPONSABLE.
Remitir el boletín informativo online, sobre novedades, ofertas y promociones en nuestra actividad.
¿Por qué motivo podemos tratar tus datos personales?
Porque el tratamiento está legitimado por el artículo 6 del GDPR de la siguiente forma:
Con el consentimiento del USUARIO: remisión de comunicaciones comerciales y del boletín informativo.
Por interés legítimo del RESPONSABLE: realizar estudios de mercado, análisis estadísticos, etc. y
tramitar encargos, solicitudes, etc. a petición del USUARIO.
¿Durante cuánto tiempo guardaremos tus datos personales?
Se conservarán durante no más tiempo del necesario para mantener el fin del tratamiento o existan prescripciones legales que dictaminen su custodia y cuando ya no sea necesario para ello, se suprimirán con medidas de seguridad adecuadas para garantizar la anonimización de los datos o la destrucción total de los mismos.
¿A quién facilitamos tus datos personales?
No está prevista ninguna comunicación de datos personales a terceros salvo, si fuese necesario para el desarrollo y ejecución de las finalidades del tratamiento, a nuestros proveedores de servicios relacionados con comunicaciones, con los cuales el RESPONSABLE tiene suscritos los contratos de confidencialidad y de encargado de tratamiento exigidos por la normativa vigente de privacidad.
¿Cuáles son tus derechos?
Los derechos que asisten al USUARIO son:
Derecho a retirar el consentimiento en cualquier momento.
Derecho de acceso, rectificación, portabilidad y supresión de sus datos, y de limitación u oposición a su tratamiento.
Derecho a presentar una reclamación ante la autoridad de control (www.aepd.es) si considera que el tratamiento no se ajusta a la normativa vigente.
Datos de contacto para ejercer sus derechos: FILIATELIA ALCARAZ S.L.. C/ Nicaragua, 60-62 LOCAL 3 - 08029 Barcelona (Barcelona). E-mail: contacto@sellosonline.com.
Los USUARIOS, mediante la marcación de las casillas correspondientes y la entrada de datos en los campos, marcados con un asterisco (*) en el formulario de contacto o presentados en formularios de descarga, aceptan expresamente y de forma libre e inequívoca, que sus datos son necesarios para atender su petición, por parte del prestador, siendo voluntaria la inclusión de datos en los campos restantes. El USUARIO garantiza que los datos personales facilitados al RESPONSABLE son veraces y se hace responsable de comunicar cualquier modificación de los mismos. El RESPONSABLE informa de que todos los datos solicitados a través del sitio web son obligatorios, ya que son necesarios para la prestación de un servicio óptimo al USUARIO. En caso de que no se faciliten todos los datos, no se garantiza que la información y servicios facilitados sean completamente ajustados a sus necesidades.
Que de conformidad con lo dispuesto en las normativas vigentes en protección de datos personales, el RESPONSABLE está cumpliendo con todas las disposiciones de las normativas GDPR y LOPDGDD para el tratamiento de los datos personales de su responsabilidad, y manifiestamente con los principios descritos en el artículo 5 del GDPR, por los cuales son tratados de manera lícita, leal y transparente en relación con el interesado y adecuados, pertinentes y limitados a lo necesario en relación con los fines para los que son tratados.
El RESPONSABLE garantiza que ha implementado políticas técnicas y organizativas apropiadas para aplicar las medidas de seguridad que establecen el GDPR y la LOPDGDD con el fin de proteger los derechos y libertades de los USUARIOS y les ha comunicado la información adecuada para que puedan ejercerlos.
Para más información sobre las garantías de privacidad, puedes dirigirte al RESPONSABLE a través de FILIATELIA ALCARAZ S.L.. C/ Nicaragua, 60-62 LOCAL 3 - 08029 Barcelona (Barcelona). E-mail: contacto@sellosonline.com

AZSubastas - Auction XIV
30 janvier 2025

Auction of stamps, coins or banknotes with the focus on postal history of Spain and its independence.

Court conditions générales

Auction without buyer's premium.

S'il vous plaît noter les conditions d'affaires et ventes

Lots de Lots jusqu'à Starting Time

jeudi 30.01.2025

1 100 16:00 CET
Ventes actuelles
02 janvier 2025
AZSubastas - Auction XIII
Auction of stamps, coins or banknotes with the focus on postal history of Spain and its independence.
30 janvier 2025
AZSubastas - Auction XIV
Auction of stamps, coins or banknotes with the focus on postal history of Spain and its independence.
Résultats des ventes
02 janvier 2025
AZSubastas - Auction XIII
Auction of stamps, coins or banknotes with the focus on postal history of Spain and its independence.
28 novembre 2024
AZSubastas - Auction XII
Auction of stamps, coins or banknotes with the focus on postal history of Spain and its independence.