6th Pilatusmail-Auktion
22-24 septembre 2022
Auction with strong offer in items from Switzerland.
Court conditions générales
On top of the hammer-price there is a 20% buyers commission as well as 7.7% VAT on the total amount. VAT will not be charged when items will be exported.
S'il vous plaît noter les conditions d'affaires et ventes
Lots de | Lots jusqu'à | Starting Time | Description |
jeudi 22.09.2022 | |||
1 | 305 | 13:30 CEST | Switzerland: collections, lots |
306 | 685 | 15:30 CEST | Overseas, Europe, motifs Liechtenstein incl. Collections, lots Whole world: collections, lots |
686 | 911 | 17:30 CEST | International airmail: Catapult, zeppelin and balloon mail |
vendredi 23.09.2022 | |||
912 | 1269 | 10:00 CEST | Airmail Switzerland |
1270 | 2245 | 13:30 CEST | Pro Juventute, Pro Patria, national celebration cards, special editions, official stamps, Offices, Postage, soldier stamps, etc. |
samedi 24.09.2022 | |||
2246 | 2510 | 09:00 CEST | Cancellations Aargau - Zurich Postcards |
2511 | 2806 | 10:30 CEST | Cantonal stamps, rayons, Sitting Helvetia, imperforate (Strubel) |
2807 | 3797 | 13:30 CEST | Seated Helvetia, perforated, hotel mail, Ship mail, number sample, Standing Helvetia, 'UPU', Advertising stamps from 1907 |