Gert Müller 123rd Auction
August 21st - 24th, 2024
21. August 2024 10:00 CESTLIVE!

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Gert Müller GmbH
Internationale Briefmarken- und Münzauktionen

Carl-Zeiss-Str. 2
76275 Ettlingen  
Telefon 07243 56174-0
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Ust-Id. Nr. DE266028993

Sitz Ettlingen ∙ Amtsgericht – Registergericht – Mannheim ∙ HRB 734302

Geschäftsführer: Holger Thull

Gert Müller Auktionen

Auction Date: August 23rd - 24th, 2024
LIVE! from: 23. August 2024 10:00 CEST

Gert Müller GmbH
Internationale Briefmarken- und Münzauktionen
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 2
76275 Ettlingen
Telefon +49 7243 56174-0
Telefax +49 7243 56174 29

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The auctioneer shall receive acommission of 23% of the bid price as well as € 2.– per lot. When shipping the auction lots, the postage and insurance costs will be charged. The legallyapplicable value added tax of currently 19% shall be added to the commissionand incidental costs (surcharge, lot ...more

The auctioneer shall receive acommission of 23% of the bid price as well as € 2.– per lot. When shipping the auction lots, the postage and insurance costs will be charged. The legallyapplicable value added tax of currently 19% shall be added to the commissionand incidental costs (surcharge, lot fee, postage, insurance, etc.) only. The legal VAT is not charged on goods shipped to countries outside of the EU if the corresponding export certificate is submitted. The procurement services for customers from the EU, no German value added tax is charged under application of the reverse-charge mechanism if it concerns company customers and these customers can prove their identity as a business enterprise via submission of their national VAT ID number with the bid. For lots that are marked at the end of the description with (X), subject to additional import costs by 7% (import expenses) of the bid. These come from consignors outside the EU.
“Bid" lots are awarded to the highestbid.

Lot 3R Collections and Lots German German Colonies

  • Michel2

DEUTSCHE KOLONIEN - großartige Sammlung, nahezu komplett zusammengetragen mit zahlreichen Spitzenwerten, häufig sogar in beiden Erhaltungen vorhanden. Dabei ein guter Teil Deutsche Post in China inklusive Petschili-Provisorien, zahlreichen Höchstwerten, Deutsche Post in Marokko und Türkei stark besetzt mit vielen Höchstwerten, die Kolonialausgaben hervorragend vertreten, dabei Deutsch-Neuguinea, Deutsch-Ostafrika inklusive der extrem seltenen 1 Rupie mit Wasserzeichen auf Briefstück mit zentrischem K1 "TABORA 20.8.16" mehrfach geprüft mit neuestem Fotoattest Jäschke-Lantelme BPP, kleine Beanstandungen sind hier von geringer Bedeutung, dann die 1 Rupie Wuga-Ausgabe, Deutsch-Südwestafrika mit vielen besseren Werten, Kamerun inklusive der 5 Mk. mit Wasserzeichen gest., Karolinen diagonaler Aufdruck gest. und nochmals ungebraucht bis auf die 25 Pfg. komplett, Kiautschou mit Mi.Nr. 2 auf Briefstück, 1 1/2 Dollar ohne Wasserzeichen ungebraucht und nochmals gest., 2 1/2 Dollar ohne Wasserzeichen ungebraucht, Marianen diagonaler Aufdruck, Marshall-Inseln sehr schön vertreten, sowie ein schöner Teil Samoa und Togo. Eine beeindruckende Sammlung mit herausragender Substanz!

Automatically generated translation:
German colonies - magnificent collection, almost completely formed with numerous top values, frequently even in both conditions is existing. As well a good part German post offices in China including Petschili Provisional arrangements, numerous top values, German post in Morocco and Turkey represented strongly with many top values, the colonial issues outstanding be present, as well German New Guinea, German East Africa including of the extremly rare 1 Rupee watermarked on piece with centered single circle postmark "TABORA 20.8.16" multiple expertized with newest photo expertize Jäschke Lantelme BPP, small defects are here of little account, then the 1 Rupee WUGA issue, German Southwest Africa with lots of better values, Cameroon including the 5 Mk. Watermarked used, Caroline diagonally overprint used and once again unused except for the 25 Pfg. Complete, Kiautschou with Michel number 2 on piece, 1 1/2 Dollar unwatermarked unused and once again used, 2 1/2 Dollar unwatermarked unused, the Mariana Islands diagonally overprint, Marshall Islands very fine be present, as well as a beautiful part Samoa and Togo. An impressing collection with exceptional substance!

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Sold at Auction

Price (no guarantee)

21000.00 EUR

End date of bidding:

Saturday August 24th, 2024, 10:00 CEST

Current Auction Time (MET): Sunday 08th 2024 September 2024 - 03:52