
これ以上のお買い得をお見逃しなく、直接ライブ・オークションにご参加を。ライブ・オークションとは、ネット上で放送されるフロア・オークションということで、同時にご参加・ご入札が可能です。(LIVE!との表示)更に、ネット上限定の自動ライブ・オークションもあります。(ONLINE LIVEとの表示)

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  • オークション前に、お気に入りのロットをじっくりご覧ください。
  • ロット番号をメモし、最高値を考えてください。
  • オークション前にご入札し、他人に高値をつけられた場合のみにライブ・オークションで再入札するのも可能です。
  • ご質問などは、オークション前に担当オークション会社まで直接お問い合せください。
  • オークション開始と同時にご参加ください。オークションの大半はスケジュール通りに開始します。
  • インターネット接続が原因でロット情報や入札価格の更新などが遅れる恐れもございますが、ご希望であれば、なるべく早めにご入札ください。



Terms and conditions for live auctions:


Preliminary remarks:

The portal www.philasearch.com provides users with the ablility to make orders and place bids auctions with our trade partners through the internet. If you are interested in this option, you will have to complete a special registration first for each particular auction at PhilaSearch. The registration is subject to the following terms and conditions.


By clicking the checkbox at the end of the terms and conditions you accept the following conditions and you conclude a contract with PhilaSearch.com GmbH, Lindenweg 1, 63877 Sailauf for the use of the Philasearch.com website.

You can terminate your licence agreement and the subsequent conditions of participation in writing within two weeks of accepting the agreement . Contact Philasearch.com GmbH, Lindenweg 1, 63877 Sailauf or send an e-mail to the following address service@philasearch.com. However, the right of termination is invalidated as soon as you have place a bid on an auction. Apart from that you can terminate the licence agreement at anytime by sending a written statement to the above referenced address. Comments, questions or complaints can also be sent to the above address.


Conditions of participation:

I. General methods of use

1. PhilaSearch allows the registered internet user (named "User") to bid In the auctions of the PhilaSearch trade partners before and during the current auction through the internet. Insofar PhilaSearch acts merely as a carrier and not as a representative or agent for the user. In this respect it is clarified that in the case of a successful bid a contract is exclusively made between the user and the trade partner of PhilaSearch, based on the particular auction conditions of the PhilaSearchtrade partner. The respective auction conditions of the trade partner are shown during completing the special registration process and have to be accepted explicitly by the user in order to successfully complete the special registration.


2. Registered users of PhilaSearch can only use the PhilaSearch web page within the current standard of technology. Technical disorders or failure of the power supply, transmission networks, hardwareand software faults, bottlenecks in capacity, safety or service interruptions can affect the utilizationand access of the service. The quickness of the data transmission is dependant on the existing hardware and internet connection of the user. PhilaSearch assumes no liability for a bid arriving in time to the auctioneer.

3. The use of the PhilaSearch services is free for registered users.


II. Registration, Personal data

1. A user has to complete a form to be registered. The user has to provide all of the requested data/information completely and correctly. This includes first and last name, current address and telephone number, a valid e-mail addressand if applicable, company. If the requested changes after registration the user is required to submit the edits immediately to PhilaSearch.


2. The user must state the necessary registration data truthfully. PhilaSearch reserves the right to prohibit users, whose data is incorrect or obviously wrong, as well as users, which have submitted a registration by bypassing the form.

3.Philasearch will relay the personal data provided in the registration form to the particular trade partner who is performing the auction for which the user has registered. The PhilaSearch trade partner has the right to reject any registration submitted via PhilaSearch without a specification of reasons. In the case of rejection, PhilaSearch will delete the registration and inform the user via the e-mail address, provided during the registration.

4. The registration is followed by a confirmation process through PhilaSearch A confirmation code will be sent to the e-mail address of the user.

5. A registration at PhilaSearch is only valid for one auction. If a user wants to participate in additional auctions, a new registration is needed. Once the registration is complete and initialised the user can place bids.

III. Copyright, Images

1. All information and images on this portal and the auctions included are copyright-protected property of their respective creators.

2. It is not permitted to download, copy or make use of the aforementioned assets in any way.



IV. Warranty and liability

1. As there is no contract between PhilaSearch and the user for bids onauctions of PhilaSearch trade partners, PhilaSearch again indicates explicitly that PhilaSearch assumes no liability for the accuracy and completeness of the data provided with the offered articles of PhilaSearch trade partners.



V. Other

1. The present business conditions including the licence agreement are subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany and without possibility of recourse, the UN-consumer rights laws, as far as the user is an entrepreneur. If the user is a consumer, the business conditions including the licence agreement are subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, especially consumer protection regulations.


2. In the event that one of the above terms and conditions is effectless, due to a conflicting law or regulation, the remaining terms and conditions will remain valid.

ONLINE LIVE Leandra Honegger Briefmarken
March 7th - 8th, 2025 開始時間 2025年03月07日(金) 10:00 CET