• 地址
    Auktionshaus Veuskens
    Max-Planck-Str. 10
    31135 Hildesheim
    Tel.: +49(0)5121 - 9990090
    Fax.: +49(0)5121 - 99900999
    電郵: info@veuskens.de
    網頁: http://www.veuskens.de
  • 關於

    Auction house Veuskens will always attach great importance to its tradition. For over 200 years we have maintained our merchant tradition directly from generation to generation. We have also been auctioning stamps and coins since 1986. Professionally versatile philatelists and numismaticians hold four auctions each year that have been drawing popularity nationally and internationally. We at Veuskens stick to detailed and accurate lot descriptions that don't lack any piece of information even for remote bidders.

Postage and Shipping

Our Charges are as follows:

  • single lots below 1.000,-- Euro invoice (to Germany) 8,50 Euro
  • single lots below 1.000,-- Euro invoice (worldwide) 9,00 Euro
  • single lots above 1.000,-- Euro invoice (to Germany) 9,50 Euro
  • single lots above 1.000,-- Euro invoice (worldwide) 10,00 Euro
  • Parcels up to 31 kg below 1.000,-- Euro invoice (Germany) 11,50 Euro
  • Parcels up to 31 kg above1.000,-- Euro invoice (Germany) 13,50 Euro
  • Parcels to most EU-countries 20,00 Euro
  • Overseas depending on weight and custom charges
Parcels will be shipped only by DHL (because of insurance reasons). 

All lot are optimal securely packed and shipped.

We start the shipping process immediately after payment arrives. In the week after the auction there might me some delay because of the large amount of shipments.



Bank transfer



"Online Dispute Resolution" (ODR platform by EU regulation)

Link to EU online dispute resolution (splatform)

Information according to Paragraph. 14 of EU Regulation no. 524/2013 (ODR Regulation)

Information for online dispute resolution: The European Commission presents an Internet platform for online dispute settlement (so-called "ODR platform") as a focal point for the extrajudicial settlement of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from online contracts on goods or services used.

The EU Commission OS platform can be accessed at the link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr

We can be reached via e-mail address: info@veuskens.de

Veuskens Auktionen

Terms and Conditions
please note: Original German text is the authoritative text!)

1. The auctioneer acts in the name and for the account of others. The auctioneer is entitled to assert the rights of the consigner from the request and from the award on behalf of the consigner. When the bid is accepted a purchase contract between the consigner and the successful bidder is concluded. The auctioneer is obligated upon request to the naming of the other party. The auctions always take place as public-auctions.

2. The auctioneer reserves the right to combine, to separate, to offer out of sequence or withdraw any catalog numbers, while protecting the interests of the consignor, during the auction.

3. The items which are coming up for auction can be viewed and inspected prior to the auction. The catalog descriptions made to the best knowledge and belief by the auctioneer, there is no guarantee in the legal sense. For the bulk lots the information thereon made do not refer to an agreed contractual quality of the purchase right. The auctioneer assumes no warranty for individual stamps and their qualities, if they come from bulk lots. Words such as "mint" or "completely" reproduce the impressions of spot tests but are no assurances. The descriptions of bulk lots are therefore not binding and can’t be a subject of reclamation. They have however been determined and checked in any case with great care. All bulk lots are only auctioned like they are. For single lots, the buyer can’t claim the auctioneer for material defects, if he has fulfilled his duty of care. The Auctioneer will however make his warranty claims against the consigner in case of justified objections (that appear to him no later than 3 weeks after auction closing) within a period of 12 months. In the case of a successful claim, he refunds the buyer the purchase price, including extra charge; another claim, even to reimbursement of testing and postage costs, is excluded. Only in case of counterfeiting or altering the auctioneer will reimburse the costs of a BPP-examiner.

4. All items go to the highest bidder. The auctioneer can refuse the acceptance of a bid in duly justified cases or grant conditional acceptance. He may withdraw the surcharge and auction the item again, if a bid submitted on time has been overlooked or if the highest bidder does not want to accept his bid or if there are other doubts about the highest bid. For reservation aggregates the bidder is bound with the consigner to his bid until clarification, however at least six weeks; the same is valid for distribution of sub-bids and for acquisitions in the post auction sale.

5. With the fall of the hammer the risk of not responsible losses or damages pass to the purchaser. Ownership of the auctioned items is only transferred with full payment by the purchaser to the auctioneer.

6. The surcharge obligates to purchase. The items should be taken in reception immediately after the auction. If the buyer wants to get his items send per mail, it’s at his own expense. If the buyer is an entrepreneur, the risk has been transferred to him in this case already with the handover to the carrier or another other person or institution.

7. The Auctioneer receives a commission of 22 % of the hammer price. For written bidders the postage and insurance amounts will be charged separately. The VAT by law is calculated only to the additional costs (commission, postage, etc.), because in these cases a pure mediation service is provided (this also applies to precious metals). For mediation services to foreign customers no sales tax will be calculated when it comes to business customers. The business status must be made credible by specifying the VAT identification number or by other appropriate means. Invoices issued during the auction are only subject to verification on errors.

8. The invoice amount is due with the surcharge and payable in cash or by bank certified check. Payments of foreign buyers, who have bid in writing or by telephone, are due within 7 days after receiving of the invoice. Longer payment terms must be clarified with management before bidding and are only considered accepted after written confirmation. Payment terms for precious metals are not possible.

9. In the case of late payment interest will be charged at the rate of 2 % per month as damage caused by delay. The auctioneer can require performance or claim damages for non-performance after a deadline; the damages can be calculated so that the items will be auctioned in an upcoming auction again and the defaulting buyer must pay for an eventual reduction in price compared with the previous auction and the specific costs of the repeated auction including the fees of the auctioneer.

10. Written purchase bids and such via email are always discretionary carried out without guarantee. Best or highest bids will be participated at up to five times of the starting price. “Bid”-lots will be auctioned to the highest bid and can’t be included in a possible purchase price limit or bid limit. Bids on "bid"-lots will be carried out independently in these cases. The minimum bid for bid lots is 15 euros, under which there will be no acceptance. Bids with “from to” quotes are not possible and are recorded in the book with the upper limit. Customers, which want to bid via telephone during the auction, must offer at least the estimate price and enter an assignment before the auction.

11. In case of unavailability the auctioneer will carry out the assignment for the estimate price.  For telephone bids, the auctioneer is not responsible for the establishment of the connection.

12. Unless catalog owners, auction participants and bidders do not comment adversely, they assure that they buy the catalog and depicted items therein from the period of the 3rd Reich only for purposes of civic education, the defense of unconstitutional aspiration, the art or science, research acquire or teaching, reporting on events of current affairs or history or similar purposes (§§ 86a, 86 Strafgesetzbuch).

13. Place of performance and jurisdiction for commercial transactions is Hildesheim. German law applies. The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is excluded. Should one of the above conditions be totally or partly ineffective, the validity of the other remain unaffected. The foregoing provisions shall apply to the After-Sales. The clauses relating to distance selling do not apply.
Privacy agreement

Veuskens Auktionen

Data protection statement

valid from 25th of May 2018
Please note: Original German text is the authoritative text!

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Internationales Auktions- & Handelshaus
Max-Planck-Str. 10
31135 Hildesheim
Telefon 05121/9990090
Fax 05121/99900999

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performance of the contract or pre-contractual measures
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Return conditions

Veuskens Auktionen

§13. Verbraucher ist jede natürliche Person, die ein Rechtsgeschäft zu Zwecken abschließt, die überwiegend weder ihrer gewerblichen noch ihrer selbständigen beruflichen Tätigkeit zugerechnet werden können.

Widerrufsrecht: Sie haben das Recht, binnen vierzehn Tagen ohne Angabe von Gründen diesen Vertrag zu widerrufen. Die Widerrufsfrist beträgt vierzehn Tage ab dem Tag, an dem Sie oder ein von Ihnen benannter Dritter, der nicht der Beförderer ist, die Waren in Besitz genommen haben bzw. hat. Um Ihr Widerrufsrecht auszuüben, müssen Sie uns (Firma Veuskens Auktionen, Max-Planck-Str. 10, 31135 Hildesheim, Telefonnummer: 051219990090, Telefaxnummer: 0512199900999, E-Mail-Adresse: info@veuskens.de) mittels einer eindeutigen Erklärung (z.B. ein mit der Post versandter Brief, Telefax oder E-Mail) über Ihren Entschluss, diesen Vertrag zu widerrufen, informieren. Sie können dafür das beigefügte Muster-Widerrufsformular verwenden, das jedoch nicht vorgeschrieben ist. Zur Wahrung der Widerrufsfrist reicht es aus, dass Sie die Mitteilung über die Ausübung des Widerrufsrechts vor Ablauf der Widerrufsfrist absenden.

Folgen des Widerrufs: Wenn Sie diesen Vertrag widerrufen, haben wir Ihnen alle Zahlungen, die wir von Ihnen erhalten haben, einschließlich der Lieferkosten (mit Ausnahme der zusätzlichen Kosten, die sich daraus ergeben, dass Sie eine andere Art der Lieferung als die von uns angebotene, günstigste Standardlieferung gewählt haben), unverzüglich und spätestens binnen vierzehn Tagen ab dem Tag zurückzuzahlen, an dem die Mitteilung über Ihren Widerruf dieses Vertrags bei uns eingegangen ist. Für diese Rückzahlung verwenden wir dasselbe Zahlungsmittel, das Sie bei der ursprünglichen Transaktion eingesetzt haben, es sei denn, mit Ihnen wurde ausdrücklich etwas anderes vereinbart; in keinem Fall werden Ihnen wegen dieser Rückzahlung Entgelte berechnet. Wir können die Rückzahlung verweigern, bis wir die Waren wieder zurückerhalten haben oder bis Sie den Nachweis erbracht haben, dass Sie die Waren zurückgesandt haben, je nachdem, welches der frühere Zeitpunkt ist. Sie haben die Waren unverzüglich und in jedem Fall spätestens binnen vierzehn Tagen ab dem Tag, an dem Sie uns über den Widerruf dieses Vertrags unterrichten, an uns zurückzusenden oder zu übergeben. Die Frist ist gewahrt, wenn Sie die Waren vor Ablauf der Frist von vierzehn Tagen absenden. Sie tragen die unmittelbaren Kosten der Rücksendung der Waren. Sie müssen für einen etwaigen Wertverlust der Waren nur aufkommen, wenn dieser Wertverlust auf einen zur Prüfung der Beschaffenheit, Eigenschaften und Funktionsweise der Waren nicht notwendigen Umgang mit ihnen zurückzuführen ist.







Veuskens Auktionen

Max-Planck-Str. 10

31135 Hildesheim



Telefaxnummer: 0512199900999

Email-Adresse: info@veuskens.de



Hiermit widerrufe(n) ich/wir (*) den von mir/uns (*) abgeschlossenen Vertrag über den Kauf der folgenden Waren (*)



Name des/der Verbraucher(s)




Anschrift des/der Verbraucher(s)




Bestellt am erhalten am


___________________ ___________________


Datum und Unterschrift des/der Verbraucher(s)







(*) Unzutreffendes streichen.


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Quelle: www.ra-plutte.de/widerrufsbelehrung-generator/

Veuskens 125th Auction LIVE!

3508 lots are waiting to be discovered in the September auction. A fine selection of coins and stamps from German regions with many special features and certified items, but also many other regions with top pieces and rarities. In the collections area, there are many untouched estates, letter, country and exhibition collections, and even complete business liquidations.


開始網上直播拍賣: 2024年09月05日(星期四) 10:30 CEST

LIVE! 網上直播拍賣帳號管理及免費註冊


The purchaser shall pay the sales prices plus 22 % commission, postage, insurance and VAT by law on commission, postage and insurance (only for buyers within the European Union)


拍項拍賣開始 拍項拍賣已逾時 開始時間 描述


1 175 10:30 CEST Coins, medals etc. LIVE!
500 2782 13:00 CEST Stamps single lost Hall auction


5000 6049 12:00 CEST Stamp collections LIVE!
Veuskens 125th Auction
3508 lots are waiting to be discovered in the September auction. A fine selection of coins and stamps from German regions with many special ...
Veuskens 125th Auction - Coins & Medals
Veuskens 125th Auction - Stamps single lots
Veuskens 125th Auction - Stamp collections and estates
Veuskens 125th Auction
3508 lots are waiting to be discovered in the September auction. A fine selection of coins and stamps from German regions with many special ...
Veuskens 124th Auction
3481 lots are waiting to be discovered in the May auction. A fine part of coins and, in the case of stamps, the German areas with many ...
Veuskens 123rd Auction
4317 lots are waiting to be discovered in the spring auction. A smaller but fine part of coins and, in the case of stamps, the German areas ...
Veuskens 122nd Auction
4563 lots are waiting to be discovered in the winter auction. Gold coins and, in the case of stamps, the German areas with many special ...
Veuskens 121st Auction
4090 lots are waiting to be discovered in the August auction. The German areas are strongly represented with many special features and ...
120th Veuskens Auction
4185 lots are waiting to be discovered in the April auction. The German areas are strongly represented with many special features and ...
119th Veuskens Auction
3822 lots are waiting to be discovered in the winter auction. The German areas are strongly represented with many special features and ...
118th Veuskens Auction
4393 lots are waiting to be discovered in the winter auction. The German areas are strongly represented with many special features and ...
117th Veuskens Auction
4278 lots are waiting to be discovered in the summer auction. The German areas are strongly represented with many special features and ...
116th Veuskens Auction
This spring auction contains 4370 lots with German areas with many special features and certificates but also many other areas, in the ...
115th Veuskens Auction
This winter auction contains 4986 lots with German areas with many special features and certificates but also many ...
114th Veuskens Auction
4826 Lose warten in der Sommer-Auktion auf Ihre Entdeckung. Stark vertreten die deutschen Gebiete mit vielen Besonderheiten und Attestware ...
113th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
4404 lots are waiting to be discovered in the spring auction. German areas with many special features and certificates but also many other ...
112th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
4935 lots are waiting to be discovered in the winter auction. Strongly represent the German areas with many special features and ...
111th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
4796 lots are waiting for your discovery in the summer auction. Strongly represent the German areas, but also many other areas, in the ...
Auktionshaus Veuskens, 110th Auction
4925 lots are waiting for your discovery in the summer auction. Strongly represent the German areas, but also many other areas, in the ...
109th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
4874 lots are waiting for their discovery in the spring auction. Strongly represented the German Reich with breast shields, covers and ...
108th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction

5157 Lots are waiting to be discovered in the winter auction. Strongly represented German Reich with breast shields, covers and ...

107th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
International offer with nearly 6000 lots, many rare material and certified goods as well as over 1900 untouched collection lots.
6th Veuskens Mail Auction
International Auction with approx. 1400 lots
106th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
International Auction with approx. 5000 lots including classic material.
105th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
International Auction with approx. 5000 lots including classic material.
104th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
International Auction with approx. 5000 lots including classic material.
103th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
Offer with worth Millions from numismatics, philately and art ... much against bid.
102th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
A large selection of worldwide individual stamps and collections.
101th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
A large selection of worldwide individual stamps and collections.
100th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
Anniversary auction at Veuskens in Hildesheim: The 100th auction offers a large selection of individual stamps and collections with a focus ...
99th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
International offer with large selection covers, old USA, Great Britain, Danzig as well as many lots and collections.
98th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
International offer with large selection covers, old USA, Great Britain, Danzig as well as many lots and collections.
97th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
International offer with large selection covers and entires, Danzig as well as many lots and ...
96th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
International offer with large selection covers and entires, Danzig as well as many lots and ...
95th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
International offer with large selection covers and entires, Danzig as well as many lots and ...
94th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
International offer with large selection covers and entires, Danzig as well as many lots and ...
93th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction

Over 4300 lots, including a large selection of pristine collections, large lots and estates. The single lot section includes many ...

92th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction

Over 4300 lots, including a large selection of pristine collections, large lots and estates. The single lot section includes many ...

91th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
Over 4300 lots, including a large selection of pristine collections, large lots and estates. The single lot section includes many German ...
90th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
Focus on Overseas, Zeppelin, German Colonies & Post Offices Abroad and Allied Zones.
89th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
Large selection of coins, banknotes, stamps, covers and picture postcards.
3rd Veuskens mail-auction
1416 selected stamps and covers. With a focus on German colonies and offices abroad, German Navy Ship post, Old German States as well as a ...
88th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
Large selection of coins, banknotes, stamps, covers and picture postcards.
2nd Veuskens picture postcard mail-auction

Small but elusive sale including 2787 lots. Included is a large selection of rare cards from the WW-1 aera, many cards with political ...

87th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
large selection of coins, banknotes, stamps, covers and picture postcards.
The single lot section is traditionally strongly ...
86th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
Available in this auction is for example the resolution of a large retail store and trade fair stock. Extensive selection of German and ...
1st Veuskens Picture Postcard and Stamps Mailauction

Highlight of this sale are postcard coming from the famous collection of Karl Stehle, Munich. Here you find very rare items, not ...

85th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
international offer with over 3000 lots with a focus on Germany and German territories. Last but not least over 1000 lots and collections.
84th Auktionshaus Veuskens Auction
international offer of 3303 lots with a focus on Germany and German territories especially the 1945-1949 period. Last but not least over ...
Veuskens Auktionshaus 83rd Auction
Large international offer with a focus on Germany and German territories. Included are many rarities from numerous areas, an extensive ...
82nd Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale

Über 6800 ausgewählte Philatelie- und Numismatik-Lose sind im Angebot unserer 82. Versteigerung.

Qualifiziertes ...

81st Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
The focus of the 81st Auction are large amounts of qualified collections and untouched estates. From the Lot 5000 you can choose excellent ...
80th Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
What makes our single lot section outstanding in many areas is the prior dissolution of several internationally renowned collections. ...
79 Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Large international auction offer with many lots and collections.
78 Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
The 78 auctions
77 Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
The 77th Auction with
76 Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Interesting offer of stamps and ...
75 Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
75th Jubilee auction sale including the largest offer of the company until now.
Well worth to mention is the large selection of ...
74 Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Diese Eröffnungsauktion ist gleich die umfangreichste Auktion, die mein Auktionshaus überhaupt je anbieten ...
72 Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Large international auction offer. Over 5700 lots on offer.
71 Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Large international auction offer. Over 6100 lots on offer.
70 Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Large international auction offer. Over 6100 lots on offer.
69 Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Large international auction offer. Over 9500 lots on offer.
68 Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Large international auction offer. Over 7600 lots on offer.
67 Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Large international auction offer. Over 7600 lots on offer.
65 Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Large international auction offer. Over 8300 lots on offer.
64 Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Large international auction offer. Nearly 10.000 lots with an estimate of 1.600.000 Euro.
63 Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Large international auction offer. Nearly 10.000 lots with an estimate of 1.600.000 Euro.
62th Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
International auction sale with nearly 7500 lots Germany - Europe and overseas. Like always a large section of lots and collections.
60th Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Over 7000 lots from Germany, Europe and Overseas are waiting for you. Large selection of lots and collections
58th Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Over 8000 lots from Germany, Europe and Overseas are waiting for you. Auction highlights include Asia, Propaganda cards, Allied occupation ...
57th Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Over 6000 lots starting with small lots at 15 Euros up to large untouched estates and dealer stocks are waiting for a new home.
56th Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Nearly 7000 lots starting with small lots at 15 Euros up to large untouched estates and dealer stocks are waiting for a new home.
55th Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Nearly 7000 lots starting with small lots at 15 Euros up to large untouched estates and dealer stocks are waiting for a new home.
54th Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Over 7000 Lots are on offer at Veuskens in Hildesheim/Germany with a total estimate of 1.3 Million Euro. Included are strong sections ...
52th Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Over 8000 Lots are on offer on January 13-14 at Veuskens in Hildesheim/Germany. A selection of the best offers including all highlights ...
51th Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Over 6000 Lots are offered for low starting bids.
Issues from Germany, Europe and Overseas.

Strong sections in propaganda cards ...
50th Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Over 8000 Lots are on offer on June 17 and 18 at Veuskens in Hildesheim/Germany. Included in the 50th Jubilee Auction are huge lots and ...
48th Veuskens Stamp Auction Sale
Over 8000 Lots are on offer. Included are huge lots and estates (up to 850 albums as 1 lot) as well as special exhibition collections, ...