Schlegel Berliner Auctionhouse - 6th Auction
Extensive offer of national and international rarities
In addition to the
hammer price or winning bid, a buyer's premium of 17 % plus 1,50 per lot
will be payable. On the total amount, the legally applicable Value Added Tax
(currently 7 %) will be due. The VAT is not payable where the auctioneer sends
the goods to any states which are not members of the EU. For the EU member
states the most current VAT regulations will be applicable.
After auction sale: Underbids up to 10% will be accepted!
Versteigerungsablauf: | ||||||||||
Montag, | den 17. Mai 2010 | ab | 13.00 Uhr: | Lose | 1 | - | 1153 (Sammlungen) | |||
Dienstag, | den 18. Mai 2010 | ab | 10.00 Uhr: | Lose | 1154 | - | 3433 (Einzellose) | |||
ab | 13.00 Uhr: | Lose | 3434 | - | 6819 (Einzellose) |