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    Forster - Stamp Auctions
    Marcel Forster
    Rue des Mayettes 4
    CH-2824 Vicques/Delémont
    Tel: +41 32 435 50 88
    電郵: info@forsterphila.ch
    網頁: http://www.forsterphila.ch
  • 關於

    Regular auction sales with strong sections of all Swiss areas including postal history. Also offers from European and overseas countries.


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Forster Philatelie

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  • Die Beschreibung der Lose wurde mit bestmöglicher Sorgfalt vorgenommen, jedoch ohne Haftung. Für Rand, Zähnung und Stempel ist immer die Abbildung massgebend.
  • Bessere Marken tragen in der Regel Prüfzeichen zuständiger Experten oder sind mit Befunden / Attesten versehen. Der Käufer anerkennt solche Signaturen und Zertifikate vollumfänglich und als verbindlich.
  • Bei ungeprüften Marken haftet der Versteigerer während der Dauer eines Jahres ab dem Zeitpunkt des Zuschlages für die Echtheit der Marke sowie deren Stempel.
  • Sammlungen, Posten, Lots etc. mit mehr als drei Marken können nicht Gegenstand von Reklamationen sein. Wir empfehlen immer eine Besichtigung solcher Lose.
  • Beanstandungen, jedweder Art, müssen spätestens 5 Tage nach Erhalt der Ware, schriftlich beim Versteigerer eingegangen sein.
  • Für sich ergebende Differenzen ist der Gerichtsstand für beide Teile CH-2800 DELEMONT. Es gilt ausschliesslich schweizerisches Recht.
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Lose   bis 50.- CHF 2.-
Lose 50,-- bis 100.- CHF 5.-
von 100.- bis 200.- CHF 10.-
von 200.- bis 600.- CHF 20.-
von 600.- bis 1000.- CHF 50.-
von 1000.- bis 3000.- CHF 100.-
von 3000.- bis 6000.- CHF 200.-
ab     6000.- CHF 500.-
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Forster Philatelie

52nd Forster Auction

Highlights: Postal history/old switzerland, Rayon, Strubel including cancellations, rare Cover-/Frankatures, sitting Helvetia, number proofs, Standing Helvetia incl pair 99B! Switzerland from 1907 inc. beautiful and rare first day issues-/FDC per Juventute, Pro Patria, etc., and interesting Collections-/Lots Switzerland and various EUROPE finish off this high quality assortment!


The total amount due is payable in Swiss francs. "The purchaser shall pay the sales prices plus 20 % commission. Foreign currencies will be accepted to the extent of the amounts credited by a principal Swiss bank; any costs arising from exchange rate differences will be borne by the bidder. In addition to the hammer price including the 20% commission, the Swiss value-added tax (VAT) of 7.6% is payable. VAT is not payable by Buyers from abroad possessing a legal direct export declaration. If Buyers from abroad wish to export the lots themselves, VAT will be debited and refunded upon presentation of the legal export declaration


75th Forster Philatelie Auction

Auction with a focus on Switzerland and classic Europe. Including the sale of a large collection France Fieldpost as well as an ...

75th Forster Philatelie Auction

Auction with a focus on Switzerland and classic Europe. Including the sale of a large collection France Fieldpost as well as an ...

74th Forster Philatelie Auction
Auction with a focus on Switzerland and classic Europe
2nd Forster Online Live Auction
Switzerland 1850 - 1960
73rd Forster Philatelie Auction

Focus on Switzerland and a good selection of old German States.

72nd Forster Philatelie Auction

Focus on Switzerland and France.

71st Forster Philatelie Auction

International offer with focus SWITZERLAND 1843-1907 and etc.
Lots and letters Worldwide

70th Forster Philatelie Auction

International offer with focus SWITZERLAND 1843-1907 and etc.
Lots and letters Worldwide

69th Forster Philatelie Auction

International offer with focus SWITZERLAND 1843-1907 and etc.
Lots and letters Worldwide

68th Forster Philatelie Auction

International offer with focus SWITZERLAND 1843-1907 and etc.
Lots and letters Worldwide

67th Forster Philatelie Auction
67th Forster Auction
International offer with focus SWITZERLAND 1843-1907 and etc.
Lots and letters Worldwide
66th Forster Philatelie Auction
SWITZERLAND : High quality offer from cantonal stamps to Rayons etc.

From 1862 practically all areas, stamps, letters, ...
65th Forster Philatelie Auction - online Live
SWITZERLAND : High quality offer from cantonal stamps to Rayons etc.

From 1862 practically all areas, stamps, letters, ...
64th Forster Philatelie - Online Live Auction
Auction with focus on Switzerland covering all areas, postal history, rare covers, cancellations, varieties and errors, ...
63rd Forster Philatelie - Online Live Auction
Auction with focus on Switzerland covering all areas, postal history, rare covers, cancellations, varieties and errors, ...
62nd Forster Auction - Online Live Auction
Auction with focus on Switzerland with all areas, Postal history, rare covers, cancellations, varieties and errors, ...
61th Forster Auction - Online Live Auction
Auction with focus on Switzerland with all areas, Postal history, rare covers, cancellations, varieties and errors, ...
60th Forster Auction - Online Live Auction
Auction with focus on Switzerland with all areas, Postal history, rare covers, cancellations, varieties and errors, ...
59th Forster Auction - Online Live Auction
Auction with focus on Switzerland with all areas, rare covers- / FDC, cancellations, "varieties", air and zeppelin mail, various ...
58th Forster Auction - Online Live Auction
20 Years Forster-Philatelie. Anniversary Auction with focus on Switzerland 1843-1907, rare Covers, Cancelations.
Strong offer ...
57th Forster Auction - Online Live Auction
Focus on Switzerland, 1843 - 1907 issues, postal history, covers, stamps, cancels, postal stationery, 1907 FDC, Department airmail, ...
56th Forster Auction
SWITZERLAND: focus on Postal History-/ Pre-philately, Canton, Rayon I-III, Strubel- / Seated, numeric, Standing, Covers / cancellations, ...
55th Forster Auction
SWITZERLAND: focus on Postal History, Strubel/Seated Helvetia, Standing Helvetia, numeric, covers/cancellations, postal stationery, various ...
54th Forster Auction
Auction with a focus on Switzerland
53rd Forster Auction
Auction with a focus on Switzerland
52nd Forster Auction
Highlights: Postal history/old switzerland, Rayon ...