Cavendish Auction - 808
Philatelic Literature featuring Offerings from the Libraries of the Royal Philatelic Society London & Derby Philatelic Society
A Buyers' Premium of 20% is added to the hammer price of each lot All bids and limits are taken as exclusive of this premium. This premium is subject to VAT for ALL purchasers. VAT is only charged on the hammer price of lots prefixed * (plus 20% VAT) or ** (plus 5% VAT), or on the difference between face value and the hammer price of Mint GB lots with the symbol ## at the end of the description (plus 20% VAT).
拍項拍賣開始 | 拍項拍賣已逾時 | 開始時間 | |
2017年12月06日 | |||
1001 | 1286 | 13:00 GMT |