• Adresse
    Francisco Gervás, 14
    ES-28080 Madrid Spain

    Tel.: +34 915 480 799
    Fax: +34 915 416 070
    E-Mail: info@iberphil.com
    Web: http://www.iberphil.com/
  • Über Iberphil

    Für Iberphil hat die Kundenzufriedenheit oberste Priorität.

    Wir möchten Ihren Einkauf zu einem einfachen und bequemen Prozess machen, bei dem Sie alle notwendigen Informationen haben.





Sale Conditions (Auction)

  1. All sales will be paid in euros (€), VAT included in the purchase price and subject to Spanish taxation on second hand items. According to European legislation VAT tax can not be detailed as all sales are made final inside the Spanish territory.

  2. The total sale price will include 20% of the award price. The philatelic pieces will be sent, insured for their total value, by certified mail or courier depending on the sales volume and weight. Delivery will depend on the shipping method, and the delivery policy of the courier / postal company. The corresponding shipping and insurance costs will be paid by the buyer, who will be informed prior to making the payment.

  3. For the clients who could not be present personally at the room we offer the service of order of bid, phone bidding and on-line bidding on real time. The lots will be sold at the as low as possible price, the order of bid prevails over the room. In case of coincidence of the orders bid priority will be given to the previously received in our offices.
    The increases will adjust as general norm of the following form:
    • Between 0 € and 50 € an increase of 2 is applied €
    • Between 51 € and 100 € an increase of 5 is applied €
    • Between 101 € and 200 € an increase of 10 is applied €
    • Between 201 € and 500 € an increase of 20 is applied €
    • Between 501 € and 1.000 € an increase of 50 is applied €
    • Between 1.001 € and 3.000 € an increase of 100 is applied €
    • Between 3.001 € and 10.000 € an increase of 250 is applied €
    • Between 10.001 € and 20.000 € an increase of 500 is applied €
    • From 20.001 € a minimal increase of 1.000 is applied €.
    • Between 50.001€ and 100.000€ an increase of 2.500€ is applied
    • From 100.001€ a minimal increase of 5.000€ is applied.

    Like explanation and in order that this condition turns out to be more explicit we include the following example. A lot with a starting price of 1000€ receives an order of bid of 2500€, does not mean that this one is going to be the price of adjudication but they will be compared with the orders received previously and with those of the room, let’s put as example that the highest out of 1600€, thus the price of adjudication will be of 1700 €.

  4. The order of bid will have to be sent by post, fax, e-mail or telephonically, in the latter case we request him re-confirm it for some written way. Amounts will not be admitted under the starting price and will have to be done in Euros

  5. Any form of payment different from the cash payment must be negotiated before, in this supposition Iberphil will keep in his power the philatelic pieces up to his total liquidation.

  6. Only for the case of sales in auction 2% additional will be loaded in case of payment by means of credit card VISA or MARTERCARD and 5% additional in case of paying by PayPal.

  7. All foreign currency will be subject to the domestic rate of change provided by our bank rates.

  8. Filatelia Iberphil, S.L. keeps the right of admission to the room of auction, as well as of declining any order of bid that could alter the normal development of the auction. Filatelia Iberphil, S.L. will have legal authority to annul, to reunify or to alter the order of sale of those lots that to his criterion turns out to be more opportune.Filatelia Iberphil, S.L. reserves the right to cancel the sale and to keep the lots when the buyer has not satisfied the payment in thirty days later to the accomplishment of the auction, without this fact supposes the resignation to its rights and consequent claims.

  9. Iberphil reserves the right to dispose of any material not paid for within the 30 day payment period, starting from the initial order date. Iberphil saves the right to annul the sale and to have the lots when the buyer has not satisfied the payment in thirty days later to the accomplishment of the auction, without this fact supposes the resignation to its rights and consequent claims.

  10. The descriptions of the present catalogue have been meticulously realized by our technical team which guaranteed his condition and genuineness, in any case, if some not mentioned fault was concerning someone of the pieces this one will be able to be returned in the space of ten days. Into the lots that avenge described by the expression “A EXAMINAR” returns will not be admitted, it is for it that bids ask to abstain from being expressed by them if it has not been checked previously and in addition one agrees in his state and in this condition.

  11. It is the obligation of the buyer to observe the tax and customs provisions in force in Spain. In the case of export, it is the buyer's responsibility to observe the customs and exchange regulations in force in Spain, as well as the regulations in this regard issued in the Ley de Patrimonio Histórico Español, 16/85 of June 25 and Royal Decrees of Partial Development of the Law. The amounts of the Export Rate will be borne by the buyer. The organizers of the auction, declines all responsibility for the possible consequences of the non-observance of these provisions.

  12. Any litigation will be submitted to the courts of Madrid, and the buyer resigns expressly any other jurisdiction that could correspond him. The text that commits both parts is the one published in spanish.

  13. The present conditions will be considered to be accepted in the moment of the receipt of the order of bid or of the participation in the auction.



Iberphil - Briefmarken Spanien und Kolonien
27. Juli 2021

International Auktion mit Sammlungen, Lots und Nachlässen der ganzen Welt.


Provision 20% vom Zuschlag. Die Lose werden versichert verschickt. Versand- und Versicherungskosten gehen zu Lasten des Käufers.

Geschäftsbedingungen für diese Auktion

Los von Los bis Anfangszeit

Dienstag 27.07.2021

1 1129 16:00 CEST
Aktuelle Auktionen
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Iberphil - Briefmarken Spanien und Kolonien
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