Viennafil 90th Live Auction
June 4th - 6th, 2024
4. June 2024 10:00 CESTLIVE!


Inhaber: Viennafil
VF Auktionen GmbH
Geschäftsführer Michael Stauder
Auerspergstraße 2/4a
1010 Wien
Handelsregister Wien: HRN: FN281472f
UID Nr. ATU62922458
Zuständiges Handelsgericht: Wien
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Archiv Viennafil
Online-Streitschlichtung „Online-Streitschlichtung“ (OS-Plattform nach EU-VO)
Link zur Online-Streitschlichtung(splattform) der EU
Informationspflicht lt. Art. 14 der EU-Verordnung Nr. 524/2013 (ODR-VO)
Information zur Online-Streitbeilegung: Die EU-Kommission stellt ab dem 1. Quartal 2016 eine Internet-Plattform zur Online-Beilegung von Streitigkeiten (sogenannte „OS-Plattform“) bereit, die als Anlaufstelle zur außergerichtlichen Beilegung von Streitigkeiten betreffend vertraglichen Verpflichtungen, die aus Online-Verträgen über Waren oder Dienstleistungen erwachsen, dient.
Die OS-Plattform der EU-Kommission ist erreichbar unter dem Link: 
Wir sind erreichbar über die E-Mail-Adresse: 
„Alternative Streitbeilegung“ (AS-Stellen nach AStG)
Informationen zur „Alternativen Streitbeilegung“ nach dem Alternative-Streitbeilegung-Gesetz siehe in den AGB.

Viennafil Auktionen

Instructions for cancellation & Cancellation form

Consumers, i.e. any individual acting for purposes which are wholly or mainly outside those individual’s trade, business, craft or profession, are entitled to cancel any contract on the following conditions:

A. Instructions for cancellation

Right to cancel

You have the right to cancel this contract within fourteen days without giving any reason.
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Effects of cancellation

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VF-Auktionen GmbH
Auerspergstrasse 2/4A
1010 Vienna
Fax: +43-(0)1-405145714
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(*) Delete as appropriate
In the event of discrepancies in interpretation between texts in multiple languages, only the German version is decisive and binding.

Auction Date: June 4th - 6th, 2024
LIVE! from: 4. June 2024 10:00 CEST

VF Auktionen GmbH
Auerspergstr. 2/4A
A-1010 Wien
Tel.: +43 (0)1 405 1457
Fax: +43 (0)1 4051457-14

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Bank transfer
Euro checks

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Shipping Conditions

Auction Conditions:

At this auction, a buyers commission of 24% and €3.00 fee per lot will be charged

The costs for the insured shipping are charged openly and amount to 150 grams for a standard letter:
Austria € 10    EU countries € 20

The terms and conditions for hall auction apply ...more

At this auction, a buyers commission of 24% and €3.00 fee per lot will be charged

The costs for the insured shipping are charged openly and amount to 150 grams for a standard letter:
Austria € 10    EU countries € 20

The terms and conditions for hall auction apply (AGB-S)

Lot 1276 Austria Newspaper Stamp 1863


1863, 1,05 Kr. graulila, 4 Werte gestempelt je mit Wasserzeichen und 10 Werte ungebraucht ohne Gummi, dazu Zeitungsblatt mit Schleifenstück entwertet Gran, ANK 29

Automatically generated translation:
1863, 1, 05 Kr. Gray lilac, 4 values used always watermarked and 10 values unused without gum, in addition to it newspaper sheet with loop piece cancelled Gran, ANK 29

Bid now

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Sold at Auction

Price (no guarantee)

50.00 EUR

End date of bidding:

Wednesday June 5th, 2024, 11:00 CEST

Add to Bookmarks Question for Auctioneer
Your experts for
Austria Newspaper Stamp 1863

Your experts for
Austria Newspaper Stamp 1863

Benefit from years of AIEP expert experience

Ulrich Ferchenbauer

P.O. Box 359

1181 Vienna, Austria

Specialist for:
Austria; Lombardy-Venetia; Austrian Levant

Arnold Goller

Kötschach 283

9640 Kötschach-Mauthen, Austria

Specialist for:
Austria stamps and postal history (1850-1867), Austrian Levant, DDSG, Bosnia (1878-1918)

Your experts for
Austria Newspaper Stamp 1863

Benefit from many years of experience of the BPP Experts.

Werner Glavanovitz

Vorgartenstr. 63/38

A-1200 Wien, Österreich

Specialist for:
Austria - from Michel No 660

Arnold Goller

Kötschach 283

A-9640 , Österreich

Specialist for:
Austria - Levant and Crete, Austria - 1850-67, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lombardy-Venetia 1850-64, DDSG

Rüdiger Soecknick

Sebastianplatz 4/3/25

A-1030 Wien, Österreich

Specialist for:
Austria - from Michel No 44 (without local issues and adjacent areas), Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Current Auction Time (MET): Thursday 03rd 2024 October 2024 - 20:58