31th Viennafil Auction
November 26, 2016
This auction includes about 500 lots with a focus on Lombardy Veneto, Italy, Austria and British Commonwealth.
The starting price of the lots is between 5 and 15 euros.
Sabato 26 novembre alle ore 12.30 inizia la prima ASTA-LIVE in occasione della 127aVeronafil. Più di 450 lotticonbase da 5 a 15 Euro sarannoproposti ai collezionisti di tuttoilmondo. L’accentodell’asta è postasull’areaitaliana.
In quest‘ occasioneverràpresentata la nuovaversione del programmaper l’asta-live in linguaitaliana. Saràpossibileparteciparepersonalmente in loco all’astaconl’aiutodeicollaboratori della Viennafil e Philasearch.
La visione di tutti i lottidell’asta-live puòesserefattaallo stand della Viennafil Aste il 25 novembredurantel’apertura della manifestazioneedil 26 novembrefino alle ore 12.30.
Short Terms and Conditions
THere is a lot fee of 3 Euro per lot.
The commission is:
a) Lots taxed by the "margin system" (private consignors within the EU) for private and commercial bidders within the EU 22 % (incl. V.A.T.).
b) regular taxed lots (Private consignments from outside the EU or consignments from commercial dealers, lots are marked with a „§“ at the lot number) 22 % plus 20 % V.A.T on the total amount.
c) all buyers from non-EU countries, where the purchased lots will be taxed by the individual rules of their countries, 22% on all lots on the hammer price, as long the lots will be exported by the auctioneer.
Please note the Terms and Conditions
Saturday November 26th, 2016
Starting Time | Lot Start | Lot End |
12:30 | 30000 | 30487 |