
Logistics partner

Usually we deliver with our logistics partners of the Austrian or Italian postal service directly to the delivery address you provided. Our logistics partners sometimes collaborate locally with external mail-order companies.
All items are shipped insured. VF-Auktionen GmbH bears the shipping risk.

Place of dispatch

Up to an invoice amount of € 1500,- we ship our goods from Vienna to the following countries by insured registered letter; over € 1500,- by insured parcel: EU countries, Great Britain, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
Deliveries to other countries only on request.

Shipping costs

An independent pick-up of any order in our office in Vienna is possible without shipping costs after prior appointment.
Free delivery to selected stamp fairs in Germany, Austria and Italy is possible after prior arrangement and payment. Cash payment on site is not possible.
The shipping costs from online shop purchases will be waived, if, e.g. shipping is combined with auction purchases to form a single shipment.
The exact shipping costs can be seen on each item detail page and in the shopping cart (by clicking on shipping or on shipping cost calculation and entering the delivery location).
The flat rate shipping costs for stamp purchases are:
Austria: 10,00 Euro
EU countries: 20,00 Euro
Great Britain, Switzerland and Liechtenstein: 25,00 Euro
Delivery to other countries only after prior agreement.
The shipping costs for literature depends on the delivery address, item weight and item value. Literature and books are excluded from the flat rate shipping costs and shipping discounts.

Delivery time

The standard delivery time after receipt of order is:
– for Austria and Germany: up to 8 working days
– for other EU countries: up to 14 working days.
There will be no shipment on the following days: Friday, Saturday, Sunday and on public holidays such as Christmas or Easter.
We will inform you immediately if delays or difficulties in delivery occur.

Delivery reservation

We are not obliged to deliver in case of unavailability of the goods. You will be informed about it as soon as possible and any payments already made will be refunded without delay.
Special offers can only be shipped while stocks last. We are generally entitled to make partial shipments.

Incomplete / faulty delivery

If you discover that the goods you have ordered are incomplete or wrong, please contact us immediately by telephone on: +43 (0)1 4051457 or by e-mail to:

Transport insurance

The risk of damage or loss of the goods on the shipping route is covered by VF-Auktionen GmbH by means of an insurance policy specially concluded for this purpose.
Please make absolutely sure that you receive an undamaged package from the deliverer. If you wish to accept a package which is only slightly damaged, please leave the note “with reservation” on the acceptance certificate. Without this note, the acceptance of an opened or damaged parcel is tacitly regarded as proper delivery.

Packaging costs

The packaging costs are already included in the shipping costs and are not charged separately.
For products that require special packaging, we charge a packaging flat rate. This amount is calculated automatically during the ordering process.
The shipping costs can only be calculated once the item is in the basket.
In the event of discrepancies in interpretation between texts in multiple languages, only the German version is decisive and binding.
Shipping Information

Payment Options

Bank transfer
Euro checks

Imprint and Information for Online Disputes


Inhaber: Viennafil
VF Auktionen GmbH
Geschäftsführer Michael Stauder
Auerspergstraße 2/4a
1010 Wien
Handelsregister Wien: HRN: FN281472f
UID Nr. ATU62922458
Zuständiges Handelsgericht: Wien
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Archiv Viennafil
Online-Streitschlichtung „Online-Streitschlichtung“ (OS-Plattform nach EU-VO)
Link zur Online-Streitschlichtung(splattform) der EU
Informationspflicht lt. Art. 14 der EU-Verordnung Nr. 524/2013 (ODR-VO)
Information zur Online-Streitbeilegung: Die EU-Kommission stellt ab dem 1. Quartal 2016 eine Internet-Plattform zur Online-Beilegung von Streitigkeiten (sogenannte „OS-Plattform“) bereit, die als Anlaufstelle zur außergerichtlichen Beilegung von Streitigkeiten betreffend vertraglichen Verpflichtungen, die aus Online-Verträgen über Waren oder Dienstleistungen erwachsen, dient.
Die OS-Plattform der EU-Kommission ist erreichbar unter dem Link: 
Wir sind erreichbar über die E-Mail-Adresse: 
„Alternative Streitbeilegung“ (AS-Stellen nach AStG)
Informationen zur „Alternativen Streitbeilegung“ nach dem Alternative-Streitbeilegung-Gesetz siehe in den AGB.
Terms and Conditions

Viennafil Auktionen

Terms and conditions Public Auction and Live Auction

Terms and conditions Mail Auction and Online Auction

Terms and conditions Public Auction and Live Auction



1. Scope and Acknowledgment

These auction terms (= "General Terms and Conditions for Mail Auctions", hereinafter referred to as GTC-M) apply to all business relationships between VF Auktionen GmbH (hereinafter referred to as the auctioneer), Auerspergstraße 2/4A, 1010 Vienna, Austria (also the auction location) and participants in a mail auction and/or a pure online auction conducted by the auctioneer through one or more online auction platforms. The auction of movable items in the fields of philately and numismatics, in the broadest sense, is public and voluntary. It takes place in accordance with the applicable legal regulations, on behalf of and for the account of third parties, as a time-limited event in euros.
These GTC-M can be viewed, printed, and saved on the auctioneer’s website ( or the auction website used, such as They must be recognized as binding when registering or submitting written bids as a participant in the auction. Should this not have occurred for any (technical) reasons, these GTC-M are still fully acknowledged as binding through the factual submission of a bid, regardless of how the bid is placed. These GTC-M also apply when the auction website is accessed via other websites that partially or fully enable access. Any opposing, supplementary, or differing terms from participants are expressly rejected. They remain invalid even if the auctioneer does not explicitly object to them again after receipt or proceeds with contractual actions, unless the auctioneer expressly agrees to their partial validity or additional agreements in writing.

2. Participation Conditions (Registration)

Participation in an auction by the auctioneer can occur directly with the auctioneer (through written bids, online bids) and/or indirectly through an auction platform, such as by PhilaSearch (online bids before the auction by the auctioneer).
Participation in a mail auction over the internet requires:
    • Only a one-time registration of a legally competent natural person with the auctioneer, providing truthful and complete information under a self-selected and confidential username and password. The auctioneer is not liable for damages arising from the misuse of usernames and passwords. Legal entities may only be registered by named, authorized natural persons. Only one registration per customer is allowed. Providing a P.O. Box as an address is not permitted. The participant is responsible for keeping their registration data up to date. The participant bears any damages resulting from incorrect or outdated data. The auctioneer is committed to absolute confidentiality of data. Customer data will only be shared to fulfill legal obligations or contractual fulfillment. Participation via an auction platform such as PhilaSearch requires additional registration as a "user" of this auction platform according to its terms, but no separate registration for EACH upcoming auction.

3. Lots

The lots to be auctioned are located at the auctioneer's premises and are presented in an (online) auction catalog with a starting price as an invitation to submit offers. All lots are accompanied by images (some scaled) and descriptions. Lots can be viewed virtually over the internet or approximately one week before the auction at the auctioneer’s premises or other locations (e.g., stamp fairs) as chosen by the auctioneer. During viewing, interested parties can ask for personal explanations of the lots’ properties.

4. Minimum Bidding Increments


up €       100

€ 5

from €     100   to €     300

€ 10

from €     300  to €     600

€ 20

from €     600  to €   1.200

€ 50

from €   1.200   to €   2.600

€ 100

from €   2.600  to €   5.000

€ 200

from €   5.000  to € 10.000

€ 500

from € 10.000  to € 25.000

€ 1.000

from € 25.000  to € 50.000

€ 2.500


Bids not corresponding to these increments will be rounded up. Bids below the starting price are not allowed.

5. Bids

From the time the online auction catalog is presented on the internet, bids may be submitted on all lots (including multiple times). By submitting a bid, the bidder authorizes the auctioneer to place bids on their behalf during the auction and, in the event of a successful bid, to conclude the resulting purchase contract on behalf of the bidder with the auctioneer. Bids can be submitted directly to the auctioneer in writing (or orally or by phone with subsequent written confirmation from the bidder) or indirectly through online bids via a platform like PhilaSearch, provided the user is a registered participant of the platform. Written bids sent to the auctioneer are executed according to bidding increments, with utmost care, but without guarantee. Written bids with instructions like "at best" or "no limit" are executed at the auctioneer’s discretion up to eight times the minimum bid but do not guarantee fulfillment. In the case of equal bids, the earlier bid takes precedence; if the time of submission cannot be determined, the lot will be awarded to the highest bidder. Maximum bids will only be used to the extent necessary to outbid an existing bid or a subsequent competing bid by one increment. It is the bidder’s responsibility to ensure their bids reach the auctioneer on time, as late bids may not be considered.
For online bids, the auctioneer assumes no responsibility for the successful establishment of the internet connection, particularly in the case of computer, internet access, connection, transmission, or system failures outside the auctioneer’s control. Participants should compensate for possible technical issues by placing online (live) bids well in advance to ensure timely receipt. Although the auctioneer makes every effort to ensure the availability and functionality of the online auction platform, 100% reliability cannot be guaranteed. The auctioneer's liability for system issues is limited to cases of gross negligence or intent. The auctioneer is not liable for the actual execution of bids and reserves the right to correct or re-auction a lot in the event of technical issues.
Bid submission errors are the responsibility of the bidder. Any inquiries about the status or amount of bids will not be answered.

6. Rights of the Auctioneer

The auctioneer reserves the right to combine, separate, regroup, withdraw, re-list out of sequence, or accept collective bids on multiple lots. They may reject bids on a lot—without providing reasons—or refuse, revoke, or make the awarding of a lot contingent on certain conditions. The auctioneer is entitled to request verifiable references or security deposits (deposit, bank guarantee, etc.) from unknown bidders, block IP addresses, exclude individuals from the auction, and remove any bids placed by those individuals from the ongoing auction. After exclusion, any further participation—directly or indirectly through third parties—will only be allowed with the auctioneer's explicit permission. Otherwise, the excluded person will be held liable for any costs or damages resulting from their participation, as well as any expenses incurred by the auctioneer to counter their involvement. A bidder remains bound to their bid even if a subsequent higher bid is invalid or rejected by the auctioneer. In case of uncertainty, the auctioneer is authorized to re-offer the lot after revoking the award in a subsequent auction.

7. The Awarding of Lots

If only one bid is received on a lot, it will be awarded at the minimum bid. For limited lots, an award below the limit may be made with the consignor’s approval. Conditional awards remain binding for four weeks for the bidder but are non-binding for the auctioneer. The auctioneer may revoke an award, re-offer the lot in a subsequent auction, or award it to another bidder. All awards during the online auction are made in the presence and with the consent of an auctioneer personally supervising the auction on-site. The award signifies the auctioneer's acceptance of the highest bid.

8. Purchase Contract

With the auctioneer’s awarding of the lot, a purchase contract is concluded between the bidder and the auctioneer. The buyer is obliged to accept all lots they have won and to pay the full amount owed promptly. Anyone purchasing on behalf of another party is personally liable for full and timely payment. Once the award is made, the risk for any loss or damage to the purchased lots, except where caused by the auctioneer, passes to the buyer. Ownership of the lot is transferred only after full payment, including any additional charges, is received. Until the full payment is made, the buyer has no rights to the lot (e.g., resale or transfer). The lots can be collected in person within seven days of the auction at the auctioneer’s premises by appointment and upon payment.

9. Lot Fee

A lot fee of €3 applies to all buyers (private or commercial) for each lot awarded. No additional buyer’s premium is charged.

10. Right of Withdrawal (Applicable Only to Mail Auctions Without Live Bidding)

You have the right to withdraw from this contract within fourteen days without providing any reason. The withdrawal period is fourteen days from the day you, or a third party nominated by you (who is not the carrier), take possession of the goods.
To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform us:
Viennafil, VF-Auktionen GmbH,
Auerspergstrasse 2/4A, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 1 4051457, Fax: +43 1 405145714,
via a clear declaration (e.g., by post, fax, or email) of your decision to withdraw from the contract. You can use the provided sample withdrawal form (available for download here: Withdrawal Form), though it is not mandatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send the notification before the deadline expires.

Consequences of Withdrawal

If you withdraw from this contract, we will refund all payments received from you, including delivery costs (except for additional costs arising from your choice of a different delivery method other than the most cost-effective standard delivery offered by us) without undue delay and no later than fourteen days from the date we receive notice of your withdrawal. For this refund, we will use the same payment method you used for the original transaction unless expressly agreed otherwise. In no case will you incur any fees as a result of this refund.
We may withhold the refund until we have received the returned goods or you have provided proof of return, whichever comes first.
You must return or hand over the goods without undue delay and no later than fourteen days from the day you notify us of the withdrawal from this contract. The deadline is met if you send the goods before the fourteen-day period expires. You bear the direct cost of returning the goods.
You are only liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from handling beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics, and functionality of the goods.
Exclusion or Early Expiry of the Right of Withdrawal
The right of withdrawal does not apply to contracts:
    • For the supply of goods not prefabricated and made according to an individual choice or clearly tailored to the consumer's personal needs.
The right of withdrawal expires early for contracts:
    • For the supply of goods which, after delivery, are inseparably mixed with other items due to their nature.

11. Alternative Dispute Resolution (Information Obligation According to § 19 AStG and § 4 Abs 1 Z 19 FAGG)

National alternative dispute resolution bodies (ADR bodies) according to the AStG: If a dispute arises
    • If no agreement is reached between us and a consumer residing in Austria or another EEA country 
    • on obligations arising from an internet-based contract, 
    • we will notify the consumer in writing within a reasonable period (e.g., by email) of the relevant alternative dispute resolution (ADR) bodies:
    • 1. Internet Ombudsman, Margaretenstr. 70/2/10, 1050 Vienna (
    • 2. Consumer Arbitration Board, Mariahilferstr. 103/1/18, 1060 Vienna (
We will also inform the consumer whether we will participate in a dispute resolution procedure before these ADR bodies.

12. Online Dispute Resolution (Information on Online Dispute Resolution)

Since February 15, 2016, the EU Commission provides an internet platform for online dispute resolution (the "ODR platform") to resolve consumer-related disputes arising from online sales or service contracts out of court. The ODR platform of the EU Commission can be accessed via the following link: We can be contacted via the following email address:

13. Payment

The auction invoice must be paid within ten days of receipt. Any deviation from this must be agreed upon with the auctioneer in advance. Costs for money transfers and exchange rate fluctuations are borne by the buyer. The decisive amount is the credited amount in euros on the day of receipt. If the payment is not made immediately or within 14 days after the invoice receipt, or if the buyer refuses to accept the lots, the auctioneer is entitled to either: Charge a delay penalty of 4% and default interest of 1% per month, OR declare the buyer's rights void and sell the lots privately or re-auction them without further notice (in this case, the defaulting buyer is liable for any costs, fees, and potential loss of value incurred by the re-auctioning), OR refer the matter back to the consignor.
Partial payments can be allocated by the auctioneer against any outstanding claims against the buyer. If the buyer defaults on agreed payment installments or deadlines, the auctioneer may declare the total outstanding amount due immediately and charge the abovementioned interest. If the buyer ultimately refuses to accept the lots, or at the latest three months after the original auction, the auctioneer may charge the buyer with at least the commission lost due to non-fulfillment. The buyer may demonstrate that the auctioneer did not incur such a loss or a lower amount.

14. Cash Payments

For cash payments exceeding €10,000, identification by presenting a valid ID is required, and a copy will be retained by the auctioneer. If acting on behalf of someone else, authorization and the identity of the represented party must be proven. For minors or legal entities, authorization and the represented person's identity must also be proven. In the case of a trust relationship, the identity of the trustor must be disclosed.

15. Counterclaims and Right of Retention

The buyer may only offset counterclaims that are directly related to the purchase and have been legally determined or acknowledged by the auctioneer or consignor. The buyer’s right of retention regarding claims from other transactions with the auctioneer or consignor is excluded to the extent permitted by law.

16. Fulfillment Obligations

If the auctioneer issues an invoice in the name of a third party upon the buyer’s request, it will only be binding as an additional fulfillment obligation of that third party. The buyer’s original obligations remain unaffected.

17. Shipping Costs

The costs for insured shipping are invoiced separately and are for a standard letter up to 150 grams:
    • Austria: € 10
    • EU Countries: € 20   
    • non-EU Countries: € 25      
Shipping is handled by the postal service or a private delivery company chosen by the auctioneer after the payment has been received. Shipping risks are borne by the buyer. If the buyer is a consumer, the auctioneer bears the risk. To make use of insurance protection, buyers must document and report any damage or opened shipments upon receipt and notify the auctioneer immediately.

18. Lot Descriptions

Lot descriptions are provided by experts based on their subjective judgment with the utmost care, according to the best knowledge and belief. If not explicitly stated otherwise, lot descriptions serve merely for informational purposes, clarifying, categorizing, and differentiating items, with terms like "magnificent," "cabinet," "luxury," and catalog values representing subjective evaluations and impressions. Such descriptions do not constitute guarantees of specific properties or values.
By placing a bid on already examined stamps, the bidder acknowledges the examinations as binding in terms of authenticity, quality, completeness, and other information, unless the bid is conditional on verification by an expert agreed upon with the auctioneer. If new knowledge after the sale leads to a change of opinion among recognized experts, the auctioneer, at their sole discretion, may decide whether to accept or reject the claim at the consignor's expense. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of the auction. For collections or lots containing multiple items that are not individually described, complaints about authenticity or quality are excluded. Described or visually recognizable characteristics, such as margins, centering, perforations, or postmarks, cannot be grounds for a complaint. Items with described limitations cannot be complained about for additional minor defects. Items valued for their postmark cannot be complained about for other issues. Bid submission errors are at the bidder's risk. Estimated values, especially for collections, are non-binding "approximate" figures and are not grounds for complaints.
Any complaints must be submitted immediately within eight days of receiving the lot or attempted delivery. Failure to collect or accept lots in a timely manner results in forfeiture of the right to complain. The auctioneer may extend the complaint period in justified cases, but this does not alter the buyer's payment obligations. Even with complaints, the payment obligation remains. Complaints regarding a lot can only be made if the lot is returned in its original condition and full quantity; otherwise, no claim can be made. A verification mark from a certified expert does not constitute a change in the item. Any complaints must be supported by an attestation from a recognized expert. In case of doubt, the auctioneer may require a second attestation from another recognized expert. The buyer bears these costs if the lot description largely matches the expert’s results, or if the buyer chooses to keep the lot despite the findings. In the event of a justified complaint, the purchase price, fees, and examination fees will be refunded, but no further claims can be made. Complaints are handled on behalf of the consignors, and the auctioneer may direct buyers to the consignor for further complaints. All other claims are excluded. Any claims against the auctioneer expire after two years.

19. Unsold Lots

Lots not sold during the auction may be purchased after the auction at the reserve price (or the limit price for limited lots), subject to the auction's legal and billing modalities as described in these GTC-M.

20. Personal Data

Auction participants explicitly agree that their personal data will be processed and used for the fulfillment of mutual rights and obligations arising from contracts with them, as well as for market research and marketing purposes. The contractual data will be stored electronically for these purposes. Participants agree to the inclusion of their personal data in the auctioneer’s customer database and agree to receive customer information, unless they revoke this consent at any time. Customer data will not be shared with third parties unless it is necessary for fulfilling legal or auction-related obligations. Participants providing incorrect personal data or failing to update their data bear any resulting damages. Communications sent to the last address provided to the auctioneer are considered valid, even if the participant no longer resides there.

21. Legal Enforcement

The auctioneer is authorized to assert all consignor rights arising from orders and awards in their own name, including in court. The provisions on distance contracts do not apply to lots from the auction. Austrian law applies, excluding non-mandatory conflict of law provisions (IPRG, UNKR, CISG). The place of fulfillment and jurisdiction is Vienna, unless the buyer is a consumer within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act (KSchG), in which case their domestic residence or employment determines jurisdiction. The auctioneer may also assert claims at the buyer's place of residence. In case of discrepancies between texts in multiple languages, the German version prevails and is binding.

22. Validity of Provisions

If one or more provisions of these auction terms are wholly or partially invalid or void, the validity of the remaining provisions remains unaffected. Such provisions shall be replaced by ones that closely approximate the economic purpose or actual or presumed intent of the parties and are legally enforceable. The same applies to filling any gaps in the terms.
Unless catalog holders, interested parties, and bidders state otherwise, they confirm that they acquire the catalog and the objects depicted therein from the period of the Third Reich solely for the purposes of civic education, defense against unconstitutional activities, art, science, research, or teaching, reporting on current events, or similar purposes. VF AUKTIONEN GMBH and its consignors offer and provide these items under these conditions.

VF-Auktionen GmbH
Status Mai 2019

Terms and conditions Mail Auction and Online Auction



1. Scope and Acknowledgment

These auction terms (= "General Terms and Conditions for Public Auctions", hereinafter referred to as GTC-P) apply to all business relationships between VF Auktionen GmbH (hereinafter referred to as the auctioneer), Auerspergstraße 2/4A, 1010 Vienna, Austria (also the auction location), and the participants in an auction conducted by VF Auktionen GmbH. The auction of movable items in the fields of philately and numismatics, in the broadest sense, is public and voluntary. It takes place within the framework of applicable legal regulations, on behalf of third parties, as a time-limited event in the form of a public auction, mail auction, online (live) auction via auction platform(s) on the internet, or a combination of these forms, and is conducted in euros.
These GTC-P can be viewed, printed, and saved at any time on the auctioneer’s website ( or on the auction websites used, such as They must be acknowledged as binding by participants upon registration or when submitting bids to the auctioneer. If, for any (technical) reason, this has not occurred, the GTC-P will be acknowledged as binding through the submission of a bid, regardless of how the bid is made. These GTC-P also apply when the auction website is accessed through other websites that provide full or partial access to the auction website. Any opposing, supplementary, or differing terms from participants are expressly rejected. They will not become valid even if the auctioneer does not expressly reject them again or proceeds with contractual actions unless the auctioneer agrees to their partial validity or to additional agreements or amendments to these GTC-P in writing.

2. Participation Conditions (Registration and Enrollment)

Participation in an auction conducted by the auctioneer can occur directly with the auctioneer (through written bids, online bids, or bids submitted in the auction hall) and/or indirectly through an auction platform such as by PhilaSearch (online bids before or during the auction).
Participation in an internet auction requires:
    • A one-time registration of a legally competent natural person with the auctioneer, providing truthful and complete information under a self-chosen and confidential username and password. The auctioneer is not liable for damages resulting from the misuse of usernames and passwords. Legal entities may only register through named and authorized natural persons. Only one registration is allowed per customer. P.O. Box addresses are not permitted. The participant is required to keep their registration information up to date. The participant bears any damages resulting from incorrect or outdated data. The auctioneer is committed to absolute confidentiality of data. Customer data will only be shared when required by law or for contract fulfillment. Participation through an auction platform such as PhilaSearch requires additional registration as a "user" of this platform according to its terms and conditions.
    • A separate registration for EACH upcoming auction, at least two days before the auction, indicating the total planned expenditure (spending limit), which must be approved by the auctioneer before the auction begins.

3. Lots

The lots to be auctioned are located at the auctioneer's premises and are presented in an (online) auction catalog with a starting price as an invitation to submit offers. All lots are accompanied by images (some scaled) and descriptions. Lots can be viewed not only virtually via the internet but also approximately one week before the auction, at the auctioneer’s premises or at other locations chosen by the auctioneer (e.g., stamp fairs). Interested parties can discuss the features of lots in person during viewing.

4. Minimum Bidding Increments



up €         100


from €       100   to €     300


from €       300  to €     600


from €       600   to €   1.200


from €     1.200   to €   2.600


from €     2.600   to €   5.000


from €     5.000   to € 10.000


from € 10.000   to € 25.000


from € 25.000   to € 50.000


over € 50.000          


Bids not corresponding to these increments will be rounded up. Bids below the starting price are not allowed.

5. Advance Bids

From the presentation of the online auction catalog on the internet, advance bids may be submitted on all lots (multiple times if necessary). By submitting an advance bid, the bidder authorizes the auctioneer to place bids on their behalf during the auction and, in the event of a successful bid, to conclude the purchase contract on behalf of the bidder with the auctioneer. Advance bids may be submitted directly to the auctioneer in writing (or verbally or by phone with subsequent written confirmation from the bidder) or indirectly in the form of online advance bids through an auction platform such as PhilaSearch. Advance bids submitted to the auctioneer will be executed in the bidder’s best interest according to bidding increments but without any guarantee. Written bids with terms like "at best" or "no limit" will be executed at the auctioneer’s discretion up to eight times the starting price but have no guaranteed right to execution. In the case of equal bids, the earlier bid takes precedence; if the time of submission cannot be determined, or in case of simultaneous bids, the lot will be awarded to the first bidder. Maximum bids will only be used to the extent necessary to outbid an existing bid or a subsequent competing bid by one increment. It is the bidder’s responsibility to ensure their bids reach the auctioneer on time, as late bids may not be considered as advance bids.
For online (live) bids, the auctioneer assumes no responsibility for the establishment of the internet connection, especially for problems with computers, internet access, connections, transmission, or outages beyond the auctioneer's control. Each participant must ensure timely submission of their online (live) bids to compensate for any potential delays in their equipment or internet connection. The auctioneer makes every effort to ensure 100% availability and functionality of the auction platform, but cannot guarantee it. Claims against the auctioneer due to hardware or software issues on the auction platform are limited to cases of gross negligence or intent. The auctioneer is not liable for the actual execution of bids. They are entitled, but not obliged, to correct an award or re-auction a lot in case of technical or transmission issues. Errors in bid submission are the responsibility of the bidder. If a telephone bidder cannot be reached, the starting price is considered as the bid. The auctioneer provides no guarantee for establishing the telephone connection. Any inquiries about the status or amount of bids will not be answered.

6. Rights of the Auctioneer

The auctioneer is entitled to combine, separate, regroup, withdraw, re-list out of sequence, or accept collective bids on multiple lots. They may reject bids on a lot—without providing reasons—or refuse, revoke, or make the awarding of a lot conditional. The auctioneer is also entitled to request verifiable references or security deposits (such as a bank guarantee) from unknown persons, block IP addresses, exclude individuals from the auction, and remove any previously placed bids by those individuals from the ongoing auction. Once excluded, participation in a future auction by that individual, whether directly or indirectly through third parties, is only possible with the auctioneer's express permission. Otherwise, the excluded person will be held liable for all costs and damages resulting from their participation, as well as any expenses incurred by the auctioneer to counter their involvement. A bidder remains bound to their bid if a subsequent higher bid is invalid or rejected by the auctioneer. In the event of uncertainties, the auctioneer has the right to re-offer the lot either during the auction or up to two working days afterward, following the revocation of the award.

7. Bidding Process

Bids on a lot are placed dynamically and interactively in an open, unlimited, and time-unrestricted bidding duel. This means that, once a lot is called with its starting price—potentially already raised by advance bids—any subsequent bid must be at least one increment higher than the current highest bid (overbid). Each highest bid triggers the auctioneer’s sequence of "Going once," "Going twice," and "Going three times." If a higher bid (overbid) is received before the sequence finishes, the sequence restarts with the new highest bid. Only when the sequence ends without interruption, the last highest bid will be declared the winning bid, and the auctioneer will award the lot to the highest bidder. Online bidders will be notified of the award via the internet.
Through this transparent, competitive bidding process, bidders can instantly react to competing bids in real-time, in a time-unrestricted auction. This ensures that both the seller and buyer achieve the best possible market price at the time of the auction through this public and open bidding process.
If only one bid is received on a lot, the award is made at the starting price. For lots with a reserve, the lot may be awarded below the reserve, subject to the consignor’s approval. Conditional awards remain binding for the bidder for four weeks but are non-binding for the auctioneer. The auctioneer may revoke an award, re-list the item, and award it to another reserve bidder. All awards in the online auction are made in the presence and with the approval of a physically present auctioneer overseeing the auction. The award represents the auctioneer’s declaration of acceptance of the highest bid.

8. Purchase Contract

The award represents the auctioneer's declaration of intent, creating a purchase contract between the bidder and the auctioneer. This contract obligates the buyer to accept all awarded lots and to fully and promptly pay the total invoice amount. Anyone purchasing on behalf of a third party is personally liable for full and timely payment of the total amount. Once the award is made, the risk of loss or damage to the purchased lots, except where caused by the auctioneer, passes to the buyer. Ownership, however, only transfers upon full payment of the total invoice amount, including any additional fees. Before payment is received, the buyer has no rights to dispose of the purchased lots (e.g., resale or transfer). The lots can be collected in person within seven days of the auction at the auctioneer’s premises by appointment and upon payment.

9. Buyer's Premium and Lot Fee

A lot fee of €3 and a buyer's premium will be added to the award price. 
The buyer's premium is:
    • For lots subject to differential taxation (private consignments from the EU) for both private and commercial buyers within the EU: 24% (including VAT);
    • For lots subject to full taxation (private consignments from outside the EU or consignments from dealers, identified by "§" in the lot number): 24% plus 20% VAT on the total amount; 
    • For all buyers from non-EU countries (third countries), whose purchases are subject to their country’s tax, customs, and foreign exchange regulations: 24% on the award price, provided the lots are exported by the auctioneer. 
10. Entfällt

11. "Alternative Dispute Resolution" (Information Obligation per § 19 AStG and § 4 Abs 1 Z 19 FAGG)

National Alternative Dispute Resolution Bodies (ADR Bodies) according to AStG: If a dispute arises between us and a consumer residing in Austria or another EEA country, and no agreement can be reached regarding obligations from an internet-based contract for goods or services, we will inform the consumer in writing within a reasonable period (e.g., by email) about the relevant alternative dispute resolution bodies:
    • between us and a consumer residing in Austria or another EEA country
    • no agreement can be reached regarding obligations from an internet-based contract for goods or services
    • we will inform the consumer in writing within a reasonable period (e.g., by email) about the relevant alternative dispute resolution bodies:
    1. Internet Ombudsmann, Margaretenstr. 70/2/10, 1050 Vienna (
    2. Consumer Arbitration Board, Mariahilferstr. 103/1/18, 1060 Vienna (
    • On their websites, you will find general information about these bodies and the dispute resolution process. We will also inform the consumer whether we will participate in the dispute resolution procedure before these ADR bodies.

12. "Online Dispute Resolution" (Information Regarding Online Dispute Resolution)

Since February 15, 2016, the EU Commission has provided an internet platform for the online resolution of consumer disputes (known as the "ODR Platform"). This platform serves as a point of contact for out-of-court or alternative resolution of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from online sales or service contracts.
The ODR platform of the EU Commission can be accessed via the following link:
We can be contacted via email at:

13. Payment

The payment of the auction invoice must be made immediately in cash by buyers who are present. For all other buyers, payment must be received by the auctioneer no later than ten days after receipt of the invoice. Any deviation from this payment method requires prior approval from the auctioneer. Money transfer costs and exchange rate fluctuations are the responsibility of the buyer. The credited amount in euros on the day of receipt is decisive. If payment is not made immediately or no later than 14 days after receipt of the invoice, or if the lots are refused without a separate agreement, the auctioneer is entitled, at their discretion, to either: Charge a late fee of 4% and default interest of 1% for each started month, OR declare the buyer's rights from the auction void and sell or re-auction the lots without further notice. (In this case, the defaulting buyer is liable for any special costs as well as fees for the re-auction and any potential shortfall from the resale, without having any claim to any surplus proceeds.) OR refer the matter to the consignor. Partial payments made by a buyer for multiple awarded lots may, at the auctioneer’s discretion, be offset against any outstanding claims for any reason. In case of late payment of agreed installments or payment deadlines, the auctioneer may declare the total outstanding amount immediately due and charge the above-mentioned interest. If the buyer ultimately fails to accept the awarded lots, at the latest within three months after the original auction date, the auctioneer may charge the debtor at least the missed auction commission as compensation for non-fulfillment. The debtor has the right to prove that the auctioneer suffered no or lesser damage.

14. Cash Payments

For cash payments of €10,000 or more, identification through an official photo ID is required, and a copy will be retained by the auctioneer. If acting on behalf of another person, both the authority and identity of the representative and the represented person must be verified. If the customer is a minor or a legal entity, both personal identification and authorization of representation must be provided. In the case of a trust relationship, the identity of the trustor must also be disclosed.

15.  Counterclaims and Rights of Retention

The buyer may only offset claims against the auctioneer or consignor if they are directly related to their obligation and have been legally established or expressly acknowledged by the auctioneer or consignor. The buyer’s right to withhold payment due to claims from other transactions with the auctioneer or consignor is excluded, as far as legally permissible.

16.  Fulfillment Obligations

If an invoice is issued in the name of a third party at the request of the buyer, the auctioneer only acknowledges further fulfillment obligations by the third party. The buyer remains fully responsible and liable for all payment obligations.

17. Shipping Costs

The costs for insured shipping will be clearly stated in the invoice and are as follows for a standard letter up to 150 grams:
    • Austria: € 10
    • EU Countries: € 20   
    • non-EU Countries: € 25      
Shipping will be carried out promptly after payment has been received, via postal service or a private courier chosen by the auctioneer, to the address provided by the buyer. Any alternative shipping method requires the auctioneer’s consent. The risk of shipping is borne by the buyer unless the buyer is a consumer, in which case the auctioneer bears the risk. To claim insurance, the buyer must document any receipt of damaged or opened packages and report the incident to the auctioneer immediately.

18. Lot Descriptions

Lot descriptions are made by experts with the utmost care and to the best of their knowledge and belief. Unless otherwise stated, the descriptions serve only to provide information, explanations, categorization, and differentiation. Terms like "excellent," "superb," or "luxury," as well as catalog values, face values, or other indications like "mint," "complete," or "whole," reflect only subjective assessments or impressions from samples and do not constitute guarantees of condition or specific properties.
By placing a bid on already expert-verified items, the bidder acknowledges the validity of these expert opinions concerning authenticity, quality, completeness, and other aspects, unless the bid is submitted with the condition that it be re-verified by an accepted and named expert. If new findings or technological advancements change the opinions of recognized experts after the sale, the auctioneer has the discretion to accept or reject the claim at the consignor’s expense. The lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of the auction. Claims concerning authenticity or quality for collections, group lots, or lots with two or more individually non-described items are excluded. Visible or described conditions such as margins, centering, perforations, or stamps are not grounds for claims. Items whose value is derived from their postmark cannot be claimed for other defects. Any errors in bid submission are the responsibility of the bidder. Valuations, particularly for collections, are non-binding estimates and do not constitute grounds for claims. Bidders present at the auction purchase items "as viewed" and may not raise objections regarding the description or condition of the purchased item after the award, except for hidden defects.
All other claims must be made immediately. Buyers not present at the auction must submit claims within eight days of receiving or attempting delivery of the lot. Failure to collect or accept the lot within this time frame voids the right to make a claim. Extensions of the claim period may be granted in justified cases, but this does not affect the buyer’s payment obligation. This obligation also applies to lots awarded with the condition of verification. A claimed lot may only be returned in its original state and full scope; otherwise, the claim is invalid. Adding an expert mark by an expert liable for errors does not constitute a change. The reason for the claim must be supported by a certificate from a recognized and relevant expert. In case of doubt, the auctioneer may request a second certificate from another recognized expert. The buyer must bear the costs if the lot description substantially matches the expert’s findings, or if the buyer still acquires the lot. In the case of a justified claim, the purchase price, fees, and certification costs will be refunded upon return of the lot. Any other claims are excluded. Claims are handled on behalf of the consignor. The auctioneer is also entitled to refer buyers with all claims to the consignor. Any other claims are excluded. All claims against the auctioneer expire after two years.

19. Unsold Lots

Unsold lots that are not purchased during their first call in the auction may, at the request of one or more participants, be re-offered later in the auction—either on the same auction day or on subsequent auction days, after later lots in the scheduled order or after the last scheduled lot. These lots may be purchased by submitting a bid (offer) and acceptance of such a bid through the auctioneer’s award. The lots remain available for purchase for several days (up to two weeks) under the same terms and conditions as the auction, at the starting price (or the reserve price for reserved lots).

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Participants further agree that their data may be used for advertising purposes and shared with the auctioneer's partner companies, which may use the data for the same purposes, in accordance with data protection laws. The auctioneer is entitled to share the buyer’s personal data with consignors in the case of long-term payment delays. If third parties make claims on auctioned items, the auctioneer may disclose the consignor's data or the information of a judicially deposited item to the third party.
Participants who provide incorrect personal data or fail to update their data with the auctioneer bear full responsibility for any damages and/or must compensate the auctioneer. Notifications sent to the last address provided by participants are considered effectively delivered, regardless of whether the participant still resides there.

21. Legal Enforcement

The auctioneer is authorized to assert all consignor rights arising from orders and awards in their own name, including in court. The provisions on distance contracts do not apply to lots from the auction. Austrian law applies, excluding non-mandatory conflict of law provisions (IPRG, UNKR, CISG). The place of fulfillment and jurisdiction is Vienna, unless the buyer is a consumer within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act (KSchG), in which case their domestic residence or employment determines jurisdiction. The auctioneer may also assert claims at the buyer's place of residence. In case of discrepancies between texts in multiple languages, the German version prevails and is binding.

22. Validity of Provisions

If one or more provisions of these auction terms are wholly or partially invalid or void, the validity of the remaining provisions remains unaffected. Such provisions shall be replaced by ones that closely approximate the economic purpose or actual or presumed intent of the parties and are legally enforceable. The same applies to filling any gaps in the terms.
Unless catalog holders, interested parties, and bidders state otherwise, they confirm that they acquire the catalog and the objects depicted therein from the period of the Third Reich solely for the purposes of civic education, defense against unconstitutional activities, art, science, research, or teaching, reporting on current events, or similar purposes. VF AUKTIONEN GMBH and its consignors offer and provide these items under these conditions.

VF-Auktionen GmbH
Status Juni 2019
Privacy agreement

Viennafil Auktionen

Privacy Policy

1) Information on the Collection of Personal Data and Contact Details of the Controller

1.1 We are pleased that you are visiting our website and thank you for your interest. On the following pages, we inform you about the handling of your personal data when using our website. Personal data is all data with which you can be personally identified.
1.2 The controller in charge of data processing on this website, within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is VF-Auktionen GmbH, Auerspergstrasse 2/4A, 1010 Wien, Österreich, Tel.: +43-(0)1-4051457, Fax: +43-(0)1-405145714, E-Mail: The controller in charge of the processing of personal data is the natural or legal person who alone or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data.
1.3 This website uses SSL or TLS encryption for security reasons and to protect the transmission of personal data and other confidential content (e.g. orders or inquiries to the controller). You can recognize an encrypted connection by the character string https:// and the lock symbol in your browser line.

2) Data Collection When You Visit Our Website

When using our website for information only, i.e. if you do not register or otherwise provide us with information, we only collect data that your browser transmits to our server (so-called “server log files”). When you visit our website, we collect the following data that is technically necessary for us to display the website to you:
    • Our visited website
    • Date and time at the moment of access
    • Amount of data sent in bytes
    • Source/reference from which you came to the page
    • Browser used
    • Operating system used
    • IP address used (if applicable: in anonymized form)
Data processing is carried out in accordance with Art. 6 (1) point f GDPR on the basis of our legitimate interest in improving the stability and functionality of our website. The data will not be passed on or used in any other way. However, we reserve the right to check the server log files subsequently, if there are any concrete indications of illegal use.

3) Cookies

In order to make your visit to our website attractive and to enable the use of certain functions, we use so-called cookies on various pages. These are small text files that are stored on your end device. Some of the cookies we use are deleted after the end of the browser session, i.e. after closing your browser (so-called session cookies). Other cookies remain on your terminal and enable us or our partner companies (third-party cookies) to recognize your browser on your next visit (persistent cookies). If cookies are set, they collect and process specific user information such as browser and location data as well as IP address values according to individual requirements. Persistent cookies are automatically deleted after a specified period, which may vary depending on the cookie. You can check the duration of the respective cookie storage in the overview of the cookie settings of your web browser.
In some cases, cookies are used to simplify the ordering process by saving settings (e.g. remembering the content of a virtual shopping basket for a later visit to the website). If personal data are also processed by individual cookies set by us, the processing is carried out in accordance with Art. 6 (1) point b GDPR either for the execution of the contract or in accordance with Art. 6 (1) point f GDPR to safeguard our legitimate interests in the best possible functionality of the website and a customer-friendly and effective design of the page visit.
We work together with advertising partners who help us to make our website more interesting for you. For this purpose, cookies from partner companies are also stored on your hard drive when you visit our website (third-party cookies). You will be informed individually and separately about the use of such cookies and the scope of the information collected in each case within the following sections.
Please note that you can set your browser in such a way that you are informed about the setting of cookies and you can decide individually about their acceptance or exclude the acceptance of cookies for certain cases or generally. Each browser differs in the way it manages the cookie settings. This is described in the help menu of each browser, which explains how you can change your cookie settings. You will find these for the respective browsers under the following links:
Please note that the functionality of our website may be limited if cookies are not accepted.

4) Contacting Us

When you contact us (e.g. via contact form or e-mail), personal data is collected. Which data is collected in the case of a contact form can be seen from the respective contact form. This data is stored and used exclusively for the purpose of responding to your request or for establishing contact and for the associated technical administration. The legal basis for processing data is our legitimate interest in responding to your request in accordance with Art. 6 (1) point f GDPR. If your contact is aimed at concluding a contract, the additional legal basis for the processing is Art. 6 (1) point b GDPR. Your data will be deleted after final processing of your enquiry; 

5) Data Processing When Opening a Customer Account and for Contract Processing

Pursuant to Art. 6 (1) point b GDPR, personal data will continue to be collected and processed if you provide it to us for the execution of a contract or when opening a customer account. Which data is collected can be seen from the respective input forms. It is possible to delete your customer account at any time. This can be done by sending a message to the above-mentioned address of the controller. We store and use the data provided by you for contract processing. After complete processing of the contract or deletion of your customer account, your data will be blocked in consideration of tax and commercial retention periods and deleted after expiry of these periods, unless you have expressly consented to further use of your data or a legally permitted further use of data has been reserved by our site, about which we will inform you accordingly below.

6) Comment Function

As part of the comment function on this website, in addition to your comment, information about the time the comment was created and the commentator name you chose will also be stored and published on this website. Furthermore, your IP address will be recorded and stored. The storage of the IP address is done for security reasons and in case the person concerned violates the rights of third parties through a comment or posts illegal content. We need your email address to contact you if a third party should challenge your published content as illegal. The legal basis for storing your data is Article 6(1)(b) and (f) of the GDPR. We reserve the right to delete comments if they are reported as illegal by third parties.

7) Use of Client Data for Direct Advertising

7.1 If you subscribe to our e-mail newsletter, we will send you regular information about our offers. The only mandatory information for sending the newsletter is your e-mail address. The indication of additional possible data is voluntary and is used to allow us to address you personally. We use the so-called double opt-in procedure for sending newsletters. This means that we will not send you an e-mail newsletter, unless you have expressly confirmed to us that you agree to the sending of such a newsletter. We will then send you a confirmation e-mail asking you to confirm that you wish to receive future newsletters by clicking on an appropriate link.
7.2 Newsletter dispatch via Newsletter2GO
Our e-mail newsletter is sent by the technical service provider Newsletter 2GOGmbH, Köpenicker Str. 126, 10179 Berlin („Newsletter2GO“) to which we pass on your data provided during the newsletter registration. This disclosure is made in accordance with Art. 6 (1) point f GDPR and serves our legitimate interest in the use of an effective, secure and user-friendly newsletter system. The data you enter for newsletter subscription (e.g. e-mail address) will be stored on Newsletter2GO’s servers in Germany.
Newsletter2GO uses this information to send and statistically evaluate newsletters on our behalf. For evaluation purposes, the e-mails sent contain so-called web beacons or tracking pixels, which represent single-pixel image files stored on our website. This allows us to determine whether a newsletter message has been opened and which links have been clicked on. With the help of the so-called conversion tracking, it can also be determined whether a pre-defined action (e.g. purchase of a product on our website) has taken place after clicking on the link in the newsletter. In addition, technical information is recorded (e.g. time of retrieval, IP address, browser type and operating system). The data is exclusively collected in a pseudonymized format and is not linked with your other personal data, thus preventing you from being identified. This data is exclusively used for statistical analysis of newsletter campaigns. The results of these analyses can be used to better adapt future newsletters to the interests of the recipients.
If you wish to object to the data analysis for statistical evaluation purposes, you must unsubscribe from the newsletter.
We have concluded an order processing agreement with Newsletter2Go obliging Newsletter2Go to protect our customers’ data and not to pass it on to third parties.
You can read more about Newsletter2Go ‘s privacy policy at:

8) Processing of Data for the Purpose of Order Handling

The personal data collected by us will be passed on to the transport company commissioned with the delivery within the scope of contract processing, insofar as this is necessary for the delivery of the goods. We will pass on your payment data to the commissioned credit institution within the framework of payment processing, if this is necessary for payment handling. If payment service providers are used, we explicitly inform you of this below. The legal basis for the transfer of data is Art. 6 (1) point b GDPR.

9) Use of Social Media: Videos

Use of YouTube Videos
This website uses the YouTube embedding feature to display and play videos from the provider “YouTube,” which is part of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland (“Google”).
In this context, the extended data protection mode is used, which, according to the provider, only triggers the storage of user information when the video(s) is/are played. When the playback of embedded YouTube videos starts, “YouTube” uses cookies to collect information about user behavior. According to YouTube, these cookies are used to collect video statistics, improve user-friendliness, and prevent abusive practices. If you are logged into Google, your data will be directly associated with your account when you click on a video. If you do not want your activity to be linked to your YouTube profile, you must log out before activating the button. Google stores your data (even for users not logged in) as usage profiles and analyzes them. Such analysis is done, in particular, according to Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, based on Google’s legitimate interests in displaying personalized advertising, market research, and/or tailoring its website to meet user needs. You have the right to object to the creation of these user profiles, but you must contact YouTube directly to exercise this right.
When using YouTube, personal data may also be transmitted to Google LLC servers in the USA.
Regardless of whether the embedded videos are played or not, each time this website is accessed, a connection to the Google network is established, which may trigger further data processing beyond our control.
In the event of the transfer of personal data to Google LLC, based in the USA, Google LLC is certified under the US-European data protection agreement “Privacy Shield,” which ensures compliance with the data protection standards applicable in the EU. A current certificate can be viewed here:

10) Web Analysis Services

Google (Universal) Analytics
This website uses Google (Universal) Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland (“Google”). Google (Universal) Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website (including the abbreviated IP address) is usually transferred to a Google server and stored there, and may also be transferred to the servers of Google LLC. in the USA.
This website uses Google (Universal) Analytics exclusively with the extension “_anonymizeIp()”, which ensures anonymization of the IP address by shortening it and excludes the possibility of direct personal reference. Through the extension, your IP address will be shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other signatory states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area before. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transferred to a server of Google LLC. in the USA and shortened there. On our behalf, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on the website activities and to provide us with further services related to the use of the website and the Internet. The IP address transmitted by your browser within the framework of Google (Universal) Analytics is not combined with other Google data.
All the processing described above, in particular the setting of Google Analytics cookies for reading information on the terminal device used, is only carried out if you have given us your express consent in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 letter a GDPR. Without this consent, the use of Google Analytics during your visit to our website will not take place.
You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future. To exercise your right of withdrawal of consent, please deactivate this service in the “Cookie-Consent-Tool” provided on the website. We have concluded a data processing agreement with Google for the use of Google Analytics, which obliges Google to protect the data of our site visitors and not to pass it on to third parties.
For the transmission of data from the EU to the USA, Google relies on so-called standard data protection clauses of the European Commission, which are intended to ensure compliance with the European data protection level in the USA.
Further information about Google (Universal) Analytics can be found here:

11) Tools and Others

11.1 Google reCAPTCHA
On this website we also use the reCAPTCHA function of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland (“Google”). This function is mainly used to distinguish whether an entry is made by a natural person or misused by automatic and automated processing. The service includes the sending of the IP address and possibly other data required by Google for the reCAPTCHA service to Google and is carried out in accordance with Art. 6 (1) point f GDPR, on the basis of our legitimate interest in determining the individual willingness of actions on the Internet and avoiding misuse and spam.
Further information about Google reCAPTCHA and Google’s privacy policy can be found at:
11.2 Google Maps
Our website uses Google Maps (AP’I) of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland (“Google”). Google Maps is a web service for displaying interactive (country) maps in order to display geographical information visually. Using this service will show you our location and will make it easier for you to find us.
When you access the sub-pages that contain the Google Maps map, information about your use of our website (such as your IP address) is transmitted to and stored by Google on servers. When using Google Maps, personal data may also be transmitted to the servers of Google LLC. in the USA. This is regardless of whether Google provides a user account that you are logged in with or whether no user account exists. If you are logged in to Google, your information will be directly associated with your account. If you do not wish to be associated with your profile on Google, you must log out before activating the button. Google saves your data (even for users who are not logged in) as usage profiles and evaluates them. Such an evaluation takes place according to Art. 6 (1) point f GDPR, on the basis of the legitimate interests of Google in the insertion of personalized advertising, market research and/or demand-oriented design of its website. You have the right to object to the creation of these user profiles. If you want to do so, you must contact Google to exercise this right.
If you do not agree to the future transmission of your data to Google in the context of using Google Maps, you may completely deactivate the Google Maps web service by switching off the JavaScript application in your browser. In this case, Google Maps as well as the map display on this website cannot be used.
The Google terms of use can be found at: The additional terms of use can be found at:
You can find detailed information on data protection in connection with the use of Google Maps on Google’s website (“Google Privacy Policy”) at:
To the extent required by law, we have obtained your consent to the processing of your data as described above in accordance with Art. 6 (1) point a GDPR. You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. In order to exercise your revocation, please follow the procedure described above for submitting an objection.
11.3  Google Web Fonts
This site uses web fonts provided by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland (“Google”) to uniformly display fonts. When you call up a page, your browser loads the required web fonts into its browser cache to display texts and fonts correctly.
To do this, the browser you are using must have a connection to Google’s servers. When using Google Maps, personal data may also be transmitted to the servers of Google LLC. in the USA. In this way, Google will be informed that our website has been accessed via your IP address. Google Web Fonts are used for the purpose of a uniform and attractive presentation of our online offers and its use is in our legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 (1) point f GDPR. If your browser does not support web fonts, a default font is used by your computer.
Further information about Google Web Fonts can be found at and in Google’s privacy policy:

10) Rights of the Data Subject

10.1 The applicable data protection law grants you the following comprehensive rights of data subjects (rights of information and intervention) vis-à-vis the data controller with regard to the processing of your personal data:
– Right of access by the data subject pursuant to Art. 15 GDPR: You shall have the right to receive the following information: The personal data processed by us; the purposes of the processing; the categories of processed personal data; the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed; the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored, or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period; the existence of the right to request from the controller rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing personal data concerning the data subject or to object to such processing; the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority; where the personal are not collected from the data subject, any available information as to their source; the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling and at least in those cases, meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and envisaged consequences of such processing for the data subject; the appropriate safeguards pursuant to Article 46 when personal data is transferred to a third country.
– Right to rectification pursuant to Art. 16 GDPR: You have the right to obtain from the controller without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you and/or the right to have incomplete personal data completed which are stored by us.
– Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”) pursuant to Art. 17 GDPR: You have the right to obtain from the controller the erasure of personal data concerning you if the conditions of Art. 17 (2) GDPR are fulfilled. However, this right will not apply for exercising the freedom of expression and information, for compliance with a legal obligation, for reasons of public interest or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.
– Right to restriction of processing pursuant to Art. 18 GDPR: You have the right to obtain from the controller restriction of processing your personal data for the following reasons: As long as the accuracy of your personal data contested by you will be verified. If you oppose the erasure of your personal data because of unlawful processing and you request the restriction of their use instead. If you require the personal data for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims, once we no longer need those data for the purposes of the processing. If you have objected to processing on grounds relating to your personal situation pending the verification whether our legitimate grounds override your grounds.
– Right to be informed pursuant to Art. 19 GDPR: If you have asserted the right of rectification, erasure or restriction of processing against the controller, he is obliged to communicate to each recipient to whom the personal date has been disclosed any rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing, unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort. You have the right to be informed about those recipients.
– Right to data portability pursuant to Art. 20 GDPR: You shall have the right to receive the personal data concerning you, which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format or to require that those data be transmitted to another controller, where technically feasible.
– Right to withdraw a given consent pursuant to Art. 7 (3) GDPR: You have the right to withdraw your consent for the processing of personal data at any time with effect for the future. In the event of withdrawal, we will immediately erase the data concerned, unless further processing can be based on a legal basis for processing without consent. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
– Right to lodge a complaint pursuant to Art. 77 GDPR: Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement if you consider that the processing of personal data relating to you infringes the GDPR.

11) Duration of Storage of Personal Data

The duration of the storage of personal data is based on the respective legal basis, the purpose of processing and – if relevant – on the respective legal retention period (e.g. commercial and tax retention periods).
If personal data is processed on the basis of an express consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) point a GDPR, this data is stored until the data subject revokes his consent.
If there are legal storage periods for data that is processed within the framework of legal or similar obligations on the basis of Art. 6 (1) point b GDPR, this data will be routinely deleted after expiry of the storage periods if it is no longer necessary for the fulfillment of the contract or the initiation of the contract and/or if we no longer have a justified interest in further storage.
When processing personal data on the basis of Art. 6 (1) point f GDPR, this data is stored until the data subject exercises his right of objection in accordance with Art. 21 (1) GDPR, unless we can provide compelling grounds for processing worthy of protection which outweigh the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject, or the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.
If personal data is processed for the purpose of direct marketing on the basis of Art. 6 (1) point f GDPR, this data is stored until the data subject exercises his right of objection pursuant to Art. 21 (2) GDPR.
Unless otherwise stated in the information contained in this declaration on specific processing situations, stored personal data will be deleted if it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed.
In the event of discrepancies in interpretation between texts in multiple languages, only the German version is decisive and binding.

Return conditions

Viennafil Auktionen

Instructions for cancellation & Cancellation form

Consumers, i.e. any individual acting for purposes which are wholly or mainly outside those individual’s trade, business, craft or profession, are entitled to cancel any contract on the following conditions:

A. Instructions for cancellation

Right to cancel

You have the right to cancel this contract within fourteen days without giving any reason.
The cancellation period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the goods.
To exercise the right to cancel, you must inform us (VF-Auktionen GmbH, Auerspergstrasse 2/4A, 1010 Wien, Österreich, Tel.: +43-(0)1-4051457, Fax: +43-(0)1-405145714, E-Mail: of your decision to cancel this contract by a clear statement (e.g. a letter sent by post, fax or e-mail). You may use the attached model cancellation form, but it is not obligatory.
To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right to cancel before the cancellation period has expired.

Effects of cancellation

If you cancel this contract, we will reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (except for the supplementary costs arising if you choose a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us) without undue delay and not later than fourteen days after the day on which we are informed about your decision to cancel this contract. We may make a deduction from the reimbursement for loss in value of any goods supplied, if the loss is the result of unnecessary handling by you. We will make the reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise. In any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of the reimbursement. We may withhold reimbursement until we have received the goods back or you have supplied evidence of having sent back the goods, whichever is the earliest.
You shall send back the goods or hand them over to us without undue delay and in any event not later than fourteen days from the day on which you communicate your cancellation from this contract to us. The deadline is met if you send back the goods before the period of 14 days has expired.
You will bear the direct cost of returning the goods.
You are only liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from the handling other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods

Exclusion or premature expiry of the right of withdrawal

The right of withdrawal does not apply to consumers who do not belong to a member state of the European Union at the time the contract is concluded and whose sole place of residence and delivery address are outside the European Union at the time the contract is concluded.

B. Cancellation form

If you wish to cancel this contract, please complete and submit this form.
VF-Auktionen GmbH
Auerspergstrasse 2/4A
1010 Vienna
Fax: +43-(0)1-405145714
I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) cancel my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*) /for the supply of the following service (*),
Ordered on (*) ____________ / received on (*) __________________
Name of consumer(s)
Address of consumer(s)
Signature of consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper)
(*) Delete as appropriate
In the event of discrepancies in interpretation between texts in multiple languages, only the German version is decisive and binding.

Viennafil 82nd Live Auction LIVE!
September 19th, 2023

Special auction Austria 1850, cancellations of the crown lands and Lombardy Venetia

With this auction we are starting the gradual liquidation of the postal history collection entitled "Sisi". The collection will be sold over several auctions. Many of these objects have not been available on the market for decades and now offer collectors the opportunity to bid on one or the other "special" piece for their own collection.
     • Austria over 500 lots
     • Lombardy-Veneto over 400 lots


Start of the Live-auction: 19. September 2023 10:00 CEST

LIVE! Info and free registration for the Live-Auction

Short Terms and Conditions

At this auction, a buyers commission of 24% and €3.00 fee per lot will be charged

The costs for the insured shipping are charged openly and amount to 150 grams for a standard letter:
Austria € 10    EU countries € 20

The terms and conditions for hall auction apply (AGB-S)

Please note the Terms and Conditions

Lot Start Lot End Starting Time Description

Tuesday September 19th, 2023

1 437 10:00 CEST Lombardy Veneto
1000 1519 16:00 CEST Austria 1850 and cancellations of the crown lands
Fixed Price Lots
Viennafil Auctions
Auctions and Shop offers since 2006
Current Auctions
January 14th, 2025
Viennafil 93rd Auction - online Live
Austria, Germany, Europe, overseas and Italy
February 24th, 2025
Viennafil 95th Mail Auction
Austria, Italy, Europe and overseas
Auction Results
January 14th, 2025
Viennafil 93rd Auction - online Live
Austria, Germany, Europe, overseas and Italy
December 2nd - 4th, 2024
Viennafil 94th Live Auction
The focus is on Lombardy-Venetia, Austria and large collections
October 15, 2024
Viennafil 92nd Auction - online Live
Austria, Germany, Europe, Overseas, British Commonwealth and Italy
June 6th, 2024
Viennafil 89th Mail Auction
Austria, Germany, Europe, Overseas, British Commonwealth and Italy
June 4th - 6th, 2024
Viennafil 90th Live Auction
The focus is on Lombardy-Veneto, Austria and a large selection of collections
May 14th, 2024
Viennafil 88th Auction - online Live
Austria, German Occupations, Overseas, British Commonwealth and Italy
April 23rd, 2024
Viennafil 87th Auction - online Live
Austria, German Occupations, Overseas, British Commonwealth and Italy
February 27th, 2024
Viennafil 85th Live Auction
Special auction Lombardy Veneto with approx. 500 lots
February 27th, 2024
Viennafil 86th Mail Auction
Focus on Austria, Germany, Europe and overseas with British Commonwealth and Italy
December 4th - 6th, 2023
Viennafil 84th Auction - online Live
Austria, German Occupation, Overseas, Br. Commonwealth and Italy
November 21st - 23rd, 2023
Viennafil 83rd Live Auction
The focus is on Lombardy-Veneto, classic European Stamps and a huge range of collections
September 20th, 2023
Viennafil 81st Mail Auction
Austria, German occupations, overseas, Br. Commonwealth and Italy

The mail auction on September 20th (bidding until 1 a.m.) ...
September 19th, 2023
Viennafil 82nd Live Auction
Special auction Austria 1850, cancellations of the crown lands and Lombardy Venetia
May 30th - June 1st, 2023
80th Viennafil Live Auction
The focus is on Austria with Lombardy-Venetia, German occupations of World War II, Great Britain; Italy and collections from all over the ...
May 8th, 2023
79th Viennafil Mail Auction
The focus is on Austria 1945, Germany, overseas and Italy
March 20th, 2023
78th Viennafil Mail Auction
Focus on Austria and Italy
February 20th, 2023
77th Viennafil Mail Auction
Focus Austria 1945, Germany, overseas and Italy
November 7th, 2022
76th Viennafil Mail Auction
Focus on cancellations Austria, 2nd Republic of Austria and Italy
September 19, 2022
74th Viennafil Mail Auction
Auction with focus on Austria Provisorias 1945 and Italy
May 31st - June 3rd, 2022
73rd Viennafil Live Auction
Focus on Austria, postal history in Europe and collections
May 2nd, 2022
72nd Viennafil Mail Auction
Focus on cancellations Austria, old German states and Italy
February 24th, 2022
71st Viennafil Live Auction
Focus on old Italy and Lots, Austria, Europe, Overseas
February 14, 2022
70th Viennafil Mail Auction
This Mail Auction comprises more than 3,000 lots with a focus on Italy, Austria and British Commonwealth
November 30th - December 2nd, 2021
69th Viennafil Live Auction
International philately with a focus on Austria, Italy and collections
November 8th, 2021
68th Viennafil Mail Auction
Mail Auction on September 20th comprises around 3,000 lots with a focus on Italy, Austria and British Commonwealth
September 20, 2021
67th Viennafil Mail Auction
Mail Auction on September 20th comprises around 3,000 lots with a focus on Italy, Austria and British Commonwealth
June 30th - July 2nd, 2021
66th Viennafil Live Auction
International philately with a focus on Austria, Italy and collections
April 26th, 2021
65th Viennafil Mail Auction
The Mail Auction on April 26th (bids submitted until 23:00) comprises around 3,000 lots with a focus on the postal history of Lower Austria ...
February 22, 2021
64th Viennafil Mail Auction
3000 lots with focus on Austria and Italy
New date December 16th - 18th, 2020
63rd Viennafil Live Auction
Viennafil invites you to its auction and we are very pleased to have been able to put together an interesting offer with a focus on Austria ...
November 17th, 2020
62nd Viennafil Mail Auction
2,500 lots focusing on Italy, Austria and Airmail/Zeppelin.
September 15th, 2020
61st Viennafil Mail-Auction
2,700 lots with focus on Italy and Austria.
New date June 24th-25th, 2020
Viennafil 60th Auction
Philately and postal history from Italy, Austria, Germany to worldwide
March 10, 2020
56th Viennafil Auction - online Live
Italy, Lombardy-Veneto, Austria, Europe, Overseas, Commonwealth, Air- and Zeppelin mail
Februar 25th, 2020
57th Viennafil Mail-Auction
Focus on Italy, Austria, Germany, Europe and overseas
December 6th, 2019
55th Viennafil Auction - online Live
Italy, Lombardy-Veneto, Austria, Europe, Overseas, Commonwealth, Air- and Zeppelin mail
November 12th - 14th, 2019
54th Viennafil Live-Auction
Philately and postal history from Italy, Austria, Germany to worldwide
September 24th, 2019
53rd Viennafil Mail-Auction
Philately and postal history from Italy, Austria, Germany to worldwide
May 14th - 16th, 2019
52nd Viennafil Auction
More than 3,700 lots including Austria, Lombardy-Venetia, Italy and areas, Europe and overseas and much more.
March 26, 2019
51st Viennafil Mail-Auction - Lombardo-Veneto
Mail Auction with over 1,500 lots of the Lombardy-Veneto region in selected quality.
March 5th, 2019
50th Viennafil Mail Auction
Mail Auction with about 5000 Lots
December 10th, 2018
49th Viennafil Mail-Auction
Approximately 2,000 lots with a focus on Lombardy-Veneto and Italy.
November 12nd - 13rd, 2018
48th Viennafil Auction
Extraordinary from Austria, Lombardy-Veneto, Italy and territories, Europe and overseas, collections from private ownership.
September 18, 2018
47th Viennafil Mail-Auction
Over 5000 lots with a focus on Austria, Austrian territorries, Italy, Lombardy-Venetia and other European countries.
June 12, 2018
46th Viennafil Mail-Auction
Around 400 lots with a focus on Austria, Austrian territorries, Lombardy-Venetia and other European countries.
May 18-19, 2018
45th Viennafil Auction
Spring auction with more than 3,100 lots including the dissolution of a Lombardy-Veneto collection, which has been awarded several times at ...
February 21st, 2018
44th Viennafil Mail-Auction
Austrian provisional arrangements in 1945, Italian postal history of the R.S.I., ...
January 26, 2018
43th Viennafil Auction
Live-Auction with about 1,300 lots including Italy, Austria, Lombardy-Venetia, Germany, Europe with Overseas and British Commonwealth, ...
December 13, 2017
42th Viennafil Mail-Auction
Austrian Postal History, Fieldmail, Local issues, 2nd Republic and much more.
November 15th - 16th, 2017
40th Viennafil Auktionen Auction
The focus of the autumn auction lies in the dissolution of a France, a Sardinia and an Austria Lombardy-Veneto collection. About 2,800 lots ...
October 20th, 2017
41th Viennafil Auktionen Auction
Mail auction with strong section Italian and Austrian territorries, Germany, Europe, Overseas and British Commonwealth.
September 19th, 2017
39th Viennafil Mail Auction
Mail auction with strong section Italian and Austrian territorries, Germany, Europe, Overseas and British Commonwealth.
July 21, 2017
36th Viennafil Auction
International auction offer with strong section Italian and Austrian territorries.
June 7th, 2017
38th Viennafil Auction
This auction's focus is set on Lombardy-Venetia and our collections.
We offer the following highlights: Italy, Austria, ...
May 10-11, 2017
37th Viennafil Auction
Lombardy-Venetia, Collections, Europe and overseas, Italy, Austria
December 13, 2016
34th Viennafil Mail Auction
This Mail Auction includes about 2500 Lots with Italy, Austria, Germany, Europe, Overseas and British Commonwealth.
November 26, 2016
31th Viennafil Auction
This auction includes about 500 lots with a focus on Lombardy Veneto, Italy, Austria and British Commonwealth.
The starting price of ...
November 9th-10th, 2016
33rd Viennafil Auction
International auction sale with strong section Austria and Italia. Highlights of the auction ispostal history from Trentino-Alto Adige and ...
May 11-12, 2016
30th Viennafil Auction
International auction with a focus on Austria and Italy as well as a "Mediterranean Ship Mail" estate collection.
February 23, 2016
28th Viennafil Auction
Almost 1,800 lots with a focus on Italy and Austria. Including many lots from Germany, Europe, Overseas and the British Commonwealth.
December 9th, 2015
26th Viennafil Auction
The December auction offers over 2,400 lots from the Italian area. The focus is on the postal history, including the dissolution of ...
November 13th - 14th, 2015
25th Viennafil Auction
The highlight of the November auction is the dissolution of a Airmail Collection Italian East Africa. A total of approximately 4300 lots ...
September 23rd, 2015
24th Viennafil Auction
Germany, Austria, Italy, European countries and oversea
April 24th - 25th, 2015
23rd Viennafil Auction
international auction offer with strong section Italian and Austrian territorries.
October 3rd-4th, 2014
22nd Viennafil Auction
international auction offer with strong section Italian and Austrian territorries.
March 15th, 2014
21st Viennafil Auction
Over 2000 lots with a focus on Italian colonies and Austria
November 8th - 9th, 2013
Viennafil 20th Auction
The two highlights of the November auction are the collections of "British occupation of the Italian colonies in Africa" and ...
June 7-8, 2013
19th Viennafil Auction
The highlights of this auction are the multi-award winning exhibition collection "Collezione Treviso", a postal history ...
February 8-9, 2013
18th Viennafil Auction

In our February auction approximately 2300 lots will be sold with the following focus:

Postal History:
-  ...

October 5-6, 2012
Viennafil auction sale
In our autumn auction approximately 1900 lots will be sold with the following focus:

Postal History:
-  ...
May 11-12, 2012
Viennafil auction sale
Auction specialized on issues from Austria, Italy and Germany, Auction includes specialized collection "Fabius" of old italian ...
December 10, 2011
Viennafil auction sale
International auction with strong section in Germany and Territorries as well as Austria and Italy
June 3, 2011
Viennafil auction sale
International auction with strong section in Germany and Territorries as well as Zeppelin and Air mail.
Dezember 11, 2010
Viennafil auction sale
international auction sale including the sale with strong sections of issues from Austria and Italy
May 14, 2010
Viennafil auction sale
international auction sale including the sale with strong sections of issues from Austria and Italy
September 20, 2008
Viennafil special WIPA auction
Rarity auction sale during the Vienna international philatelic exhibition 2008. High valued selection of rarities from all over the world. ...