• Address
    Dr. Reinhard Fischer
    Auktions- und Handelshaus für Briefmarken und Münzen

    Joachimstraße 7
    D-53113 Bonn
    fon +49 (0)228 - 26 31 30
    fax +49 (0)228 - 21 33 81

    E-Mail: info@briefmarkenauktion.net
    Web: http://www.reinhardfischerauktionen.de
  • About Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auktionen

    Bonn-based auction house Dr. Reinhard Fischer's auctions take place six times a year with each auction holding anything close to 8,000 lots - stamps and coins. The company has been established in 1984 and auctions are conducted since 1991. It is solely owned by its founder.

    We constantly accept your consignments. Cash purchase is an option even with a high total amount.

    USt.ID: DE 122146292
    Registered with the District Court of Bonn HRA 5813
    Responsible supervisory authority: Stadt Bonn, Ordnungsamt, Berliner Platz 2, 53111 Bonn

Payment Options

Bank transfer
Euro checks
U.S. $ checks

Imprint and Information for Online Disputes

Information for Online Disputes

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Link to EU online dispute resolution (splatform)

Information according to Paragraph. 14 of EU Regulation no. 524/2013 (ODR Regulation)

Information for online dispute resolution: The European Commission presents an Internet platform for online dispute settlement (so-called "ODR platform") as a focal point for the extrajudicial settlement of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from online contracts on goods or services used.

The european commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS) which is accessible at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

We can be reached via e-mail address: reinhardfischer@briefmarkenauktion.net

We are not obligated and do not participate voluntarily in a dispute resolution process.


Dr. Reinhard Fischer
Auktions- und Handelshaus e.K.
Joachimstraße 7
53113 Bonn

Amtsgericht Bonn HRA 5813

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer (UStID): DE 122146292

Tel. : 0228/263130
Fax  : 0228/213381
Terms and Conditions

Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auktionen

Conditions of Sale of Dr. Reinhard Fischer - Auktions- und Handelshaus für Briefmarken und Münzen e.K.

According to the conditions approved by the German Bundeskartellamt - Recommendations of the Bundesverband Deutscher Briefmarkenversteigerer e.V., Wiesbaden

1. The auctioneer acts in his own name for the account of his client, who remains anonymous (as commission agent).

2. The auctioneer reserves the right to combine or separate lots listed in the catalogue, to change the order of the lot numbers or to withdraw any lot from the auction.

3. The lots to be sold at auction may be examined and checked before the auction. The descriptions in the catalogue are made to the best of the auctioneer’s knowledge and belief, are, however, not guaranteed. The auctioneer is not liable for any mistakes. Except for collections or bulk lots, he commits himself, however, to transmitting complains to the customer if such claims are filed within a period of 28 days after the auction. The auctioneer may extend this time limit under special circumstances. Liability for damage on health and body will not be affected. Claims are only possible if the lots including the lot card are returned in unaltered condition. The affixing of the marking »False« or the like by expertisers who are liable for errors is not considered to be an alteration, but expertisers signatures, color designations or pencil notes are. In the case of a justified claim, the auctioneer will refund the purchase price only and not further charges. Faults visible on images on the catalogue may not be subject to such claims. Catalogue values are not binding and have to be seen as approximate, they may not be the cause for a return.

4. The lot is knocked down when no higher bid follows after the last bid has been called three times. The auctioneer reserves the right to reject the bid or accept it with reservations. He may cancel the bid knocked down if the highest bidder does not want his bid to be valid, or if otherwise a dispute concerning the bid knocked down arrises.

5. The knocking down transfers the risk of possible losses, damages or mistakes to the purchaser. The items become the property of the purchaser after payment is complete.

6. The knocking down binds the bidder to take and pay for the lot(s). Should the purchaser desire forwarding of the lot(s) purchased in the auction, it will be effected at his expense and risk. The bidder is bound to his bid for the period of up to four weeks. If bidding is made by phone or writing, lots will be dispatched to the bidder at his cost and his risk, if not a different agreement is made.

7. The sale of auction lots is subject to differential taxation. If we ship lots inside the EC, the buyer shall pay a buyers premium of 26,2 % of the hammer price and a lot fee of 3,– EUR per lot (both including VAT), also costs of shipping and insurance. If we ship lots to a country outside the EC, the buyer shall pay a buyers premium of 22 % of the hammer price and a lot fee a 3,– EUR per lot, also costs of shipping and insurance. If the goods are exported outside the EC by the buyer himself, it may be possible to refund VAT. For gold coins that are exempt from VAT, the buyer shall pay a buyers premium of 22 % of the hammer price and a lot fee a 3,– EUR per lot, also costs of shipping and insurance. Lots marked with a ° after the lot number come from consignors outside the EU. Insofar as these lots are delivered within the EU, 7% import duty will be charged on the hammer price.

8. Purchase price and commissions are payable at once by floor bidders. External bidders must pay the auction bill on receipt. The bidder for a third-party will be held liable as a primary obligor along with the third-party. The purchaser has the right to receive the lots just after payment is made.

9. Any amounts not received by the auctioneer within 15 days after the auction or receipt of the auction bill, will incur 1 % interest for every new month. If the purchaser refuses to pay the lot(s) or if any payment is not settled within a fixed time period, the auctioneer may demand the non-performance. Pricing agreements between bidders are forbidden and will lead to exclusion from the auction. A contractual penalty of 10.000,– EUR for each case of price agreements has to be paid.
A compensation may also apply.

10. The bidder agrees for lots with NS-Signs, not to use them in any way for propagandistic purposes (§ 86 StGB).

11. These conditions are valid for the sale after the auction. The § 312d BGB will not be used.

12. Bonn will be named as the court of jurisdiction. The contract of auction is subject to German law only.

13. In the case that any of the above stipulations become void in part or in whole, all other stipulations remain valid.

14. The european commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS) which is accessible at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. We are not obligated and do not participate voluntarily in a dispute resolution process.

Dr. Reinhard Fischer - Auktions- und Handelshaus für Briefmarken und Münzen e.K.

Joachimstraße 7
D-53113 Bonn

Dr. Reinhard Fischer e.K.
Handelsregister: Handelsregister Bonn HRA 5813

Telefon: 0228-263130
Telefax: 0228-213381

eMail: reinhardfischer@briefmarkenauktion.net
www: http://www.reinhardfischerauktionen.de

Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE 122 146292

Privacy agreement

Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auktionen



Dr. Reinhard Fischer, Auktionshaus für Briefmarken und Münzen e.K., Joachimstraße 7, 53113 Bonn, 0228/263130, reinhardfischer@briefmarkenauktion.net

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Sofern Ihre personenbezogenen Daten auf Grundlage von berechtigten Interessen verarbeitet werden, haben Sie das Recht, gemäß Art. 21 DSGVO Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten einzulegen, soweit dafür Gründe vorliegen, die sich aus Ihrer besonderen Situation ergeben oder sich der Widerspruch gegen Direktwerbung richtet. Im letzteren Fall haben Sie ein generelles Widerspruchsrecht, das ohne Angabe einer besonderen Situation von mir umgesetzt wird.
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Wir bedienen uns im Übrigen geeigneter technischer und organisatorischer Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, um Ihre Daten gegen zufällige oder vorsätzliche Manipulationen, teilweisen oder vollständigen Verlust, Zerstörung oder gegen den unbefugten Zugriff Dritter zu schützen. Unsere Sicherheitsmaßnahmen werden entsprechend der technologischen Entwicklung fortlaufend verbessert.
(Quelle: http://www.anwaltblog24.de/)

127th Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auction
September 8, 2012

International auction offer with strong section in german territorries. Also good offer in coins, medals and banknotes.

Short Terms and Conditions

The purchaser shall pay an additional 18 % commission over and above the sale price plus a 1,60 EUR surcharge per lot. 7 % value added tax will be charged at commission, lot fee and all other costs. Value added tax will not be charged if the lots where dispatched by us to a country outside the EC or if the purchaser is a dealer within the EC and the VAT-No. is given to us before the bidding.

Please note the Terms and Conditions

Current Auctions
January 10th, 2025
Dr. Reinhard Fischer e@uction 2
International numismatic offer
Auction Results
January 10th, 2025
Dr. Reinhard Fischer e@uction 2
International numismatic offer
November 20th - 22nd, 2024
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 199th Auction
Including the collection “Neptune” - German Colonies & German Occupation Issues WWII
August 21st, 2024
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 198th Auction
Extensive selection of almost 5,000 lots offers a wide range of items from all areas of philately.
June 14th, 2024
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 197th Auction
Extensive selection of almost 6,400 lots offers a wide range of items from all areas of philately.
April 10th - 12th, 2024
Dr. Reinhard Fischer e@uction 1
A rich offering with over 4,300 lots covering all areas of philately
February 1st - 3rd, 2024
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 196th Auction
A rich offering with over 9,200 lots covering all areas of philately
December 1st, 2023
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 195th Auction
A rich offering with almost 4,700 lots covering all areas of philately
September 29th, 2023
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 194th Auction
More than 7,300 lots with an extensive range covering all areas of philately.
July 21st - 22nd, 2023
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 193rd Auction
Almost 9.000 lots with a large variety of rarities and highlights
May 19th - 20th, 2023
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 192nd Auction
More than 5.100 lots with a large variety of rarities and highlights
March 31st - April 1st, 2023
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 191st Auction
More than 3.900 lots with a large variety of rarities and highlights
January 27th - 28th, 2023
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 190th Auction
More than 8.000 lots with a large variety of rarities and highlights
November 24th - 26th, 2022
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 189th Auction
More than 7.000 lots with a large variety of rarities and highlights
September 1st - 3rd, 2022
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 188th Auction
More than 5.300 lots with a large variety of rarities and highlights
July 15th - 16th, 2022
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 187th Auction
More than 9.200 lots with a large variety of rarities and highlights
May 18th - 21st, 2022
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 186th Auction
More than 7.400 lots with a large variety of rarities and highlights
March 10th - 12th, 2022
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 185th Auction
5.822 lots with a large variety of rarities and highlights
January 14th - 15th, 2022
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 184th Auction
8400 lots with a large variety of rarities and highlights.
November 24th - 27th, 2021
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 183rd Auction
7,400 lots with a large variety of rarities and highlights.
September 9th - 11th, 2021
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 182nd Auction
Philately and postal history from German areas to worldwide collections.
July 23rd - 24th, 2021
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 181st Auction
Philately and postal history from German areas to worldwide
May 26th - 29th, 2021
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 180th Auction
German territories to worldwide, numismatics, militaria and jewelry
March 11th - 13th, 2021
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 179th Auction
German territorys to worldwide, numismatics, militaria and jewelry
January 22nd - 23rd, 2021
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 178th Auction
German territorys to worldwide, numismatics, militaria and jewelry
November 24th - 28th, 2020
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 177th Auction
German territorys to worldwide, numismatics, militaria and jewelry
September 24th - 26th, 2020
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 176th Auction
German territorys to worldwide, numismatics, militaria and jewelry
July 23rd - 25th, 2020
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 175th Auction
Comprehensive offer of 11000 lots philatelie, interesting lots numismatics and a large offer watches, jewelry and military collectables.
May 28th - 30th, 2020
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 174th Auction
A comprehensive offer with over 11000 lots including all kind of philatelic areas, a interesting selection of 1950 lots numismatics and ...
March 13th - 14th, 2020
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 173rd Auction
International auction offer with strong section germany and territorries.
August 30th - 31st, 2019
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 170th Auction
International auction offer with strong section germany and territorries.
July 12th, 2019
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 169th Auction
International auction offer with strong section germany and territorries.
May 17th - 18th, 2019
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 168th Auction
Have you, for example, ever seen all five Zara top values in mint condition at a single glance? Or five Saxony 3s, two of which are on a ...
March 15th - 16th, 2019
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 167th Auction
International auction offer with strong section germany and territorries.
January 12th, 2019
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 166th Auction
This extensive sale with more than 11,000 lots offers a rich and valuable range of the field of philately and includes an interesting ...
November 16th - 17th, 2018
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 165th Auction
The extensive range of more than 8,500 tickets offers not only a rich and valuable offer in the field ...
September 7th - 8th, 2018
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 164th Auction
Extensive selection with over 12,000 lots with a large number of sought after standard editions from all areas of German and International ...
July 13th, 2018
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 163rd Auction
Extensive selection with over 12,000 lots with a large number of sought after standard editions from all areas of German philately and a ...
May 18th - 19th, 2018
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 162st Auction
Over 8600 lots in philately and numismatics, "Bermondsey" occupation, German ...
March 17th, 2018
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 161st Auction
Numerous popular standard issues from all areas of German philately and a variety of rarities and some unique items. With Old Germany, ...
January 13th, 2018
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 160th Auction
An extensive auction offer with 11,400 lots. In addition to a selected range of about 900 lots Numismatics and Varia, the focus is on ...
November 17th - 18th, 2017
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 159th Auction
Over 2000 Lots of coins and Varia / militaria with a large selection of ancient coins, taler, imperial, investment coins and nearly 1000 ...
September 15th-16th, 2017
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 158th Auction
General sale: Germany, many rarities and part of Europe; Special catalog, Coins, liquidation;
July 14th, 2017
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 157th Auction
In the main catalog you will find among other things the dissolution of a Prussian collection, a nice German States selection with Bavaria ...
May 26th - 27th, 2017
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 156th Auction
In the main catalog you will find among other things the dissolution of a Baden collection, a nice selection German States, German empire, ...
March 17th - 18th, 2017
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 155th Auction
The highlight in our main catalog are Saxonia 1a or 1c on postal wrapper luxury issues - at a  € 15,000 ...
January 14th, 2017
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 154th Auction
International Philately  and Numismatic offer including German States, German colonies, WWI & WWII occupation, liquidation lots, ...
November 18th-19th, 2016
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 153rd Auction
International Philately  and Numismatic offer including special section airmail stamps, liquidation lots, as well as many lots and ...
September 16th - 17th, 2016
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 152nd Auction
International auction offer with strong offer in Old German States and German territorries. Also large selection of lots and collections.
July 16th, 2016
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 151st Auction
International auction offer with strong section germany and territorries.
May 27th - 28th, 2016
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 150th Auction
Interantional Auction offer with large section coins from Antique coins up to modern issues, main Catalogue with thousands of philatelic ...
March 11th - 12th, 2016
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 148th Auction
International auction offer with focus on Germany and territorries including many rarities and specialities.
January 16th, 2016
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 147th Auction
Large international offer with strong section Germany and area.
November 13th - 14th, 2015
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 146th Auction - Liquidation
Liquidation part of the auction sale including a wide range of worldwide material.
November 13th - 14th, 2015
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 146th Auction - Coins
2460 Lots including numerous ancient, medieval, modern age, Empire, bullion coins and collections. The "Colonia" collection and ...
November 13th - 14th, 2015
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 146th Auction
Wide selection of about 7900 lots, including Germany, German Empire with many rarities, varieties, colors, a total of about 1000 lots, ...
September 5th 2015
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 145th Auction - Liquidation
Liquidation part of the auction sale including a wide range of worldwide material.
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 145th Auction - Coins
Coin and banknote section of the auction from antique coins up to today.
September 4th to 5th 2015
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 145th Auction
Large international offer with strong section Germany and German territorries.
July 18th, 2015
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 144th Auction - Liquidation
463 lots where bids 30% below the starting price will be accepted if no high bids are received.
July 18th, 2015
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 144th Auction - Coins
991 lots including numerous ancient coins, medieval, modern age, Empire, Bullion coins and collections
July 18th, 2015
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 144th Auction
International philatelic and numismatic auction. Large selection of material with focus on Germany and German territorries.
May 22nd - 23rd, 2015
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 143rd Auction - Liquidation
399 lots where bids 30% below the starting price will be accepted if no high bids are received.
May 22nd - 23rd, 2015
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 143rd Auction - Charity Auction
Charity auction in favor of the Hamburger philatelic library: All 82 lots have no reserve price!
May 22nd - 23rd, 2015
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 143rd Auction - Coins
Almost 2600 lots including numerous ancient coins, medieval, modern age, Empire, PRC rarities, Medal Collection "du Palais" with ...
May 22nd - 23rd, 2015
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 143rd Auction
Wide selection of about 8350 lots including Germany and colonies, Gdansk, WWII, the dissolution of a large local issue collection, France ...
March 6th - 7th, 2015
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 142nd Auction - Liquidation
368 lots where bids up to 30% below the starting price will be accepted if there are no higher bids!
March 6th - 7th, 2015
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 142nd Auction - Coins
611 lots with a combined estimate of over 150,000 EUR, including numerous antique coins, Empire gold, bullion coins and collections
March 6th - 7th, 2015
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 142nd Auction
Extensive selection of around 8600 lots, including a beautiful Sudetenland collection, German colonies, Gdansk, Jiaozhou Bay, Schleswig, ...
Januar 10th, 2014
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 141st Auction - Liquidation
144 lots where bids up to 30% below the starting price will be accepted if there are no higher bids!
Januar 10th, 2014
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 141st Auction
Extensive selection of around 7400 lots, including highlights from Hanover, German Empire and Colonies, Danzig, Switzerland and much more ...
Januar 10th, 2014
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 141st Auction - Coins
552 lots including numerous antique coins, German Empire gold, bullion coins and collections
November 14th - 15th, 2014
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 140th Auction
A beautiful selection of single lots from German States, German colonies and German Occupation in World War II., and more. Also including ...
September 5th - 6th, 2014
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 139th Auction - Liquidation
Liquidation lots, bids will be accepted from 30% below starting bid.
September 5th - 6th, 2014
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 139th Auction - Collections
Ein vielfältiges und günstig ausgerufenes Sammlungsangebot mit fast 1.800 Losen überwiegend aus Privathand stammend, ...
September 5th - 6th, 2014
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 139th Auction - Collection Horst Kühner
Sale of one of the worlds best collections German colonies and ofices abroad as well as occupation zones WW-II.
September 5th - 6th, 2014
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 139th Auction - Coins
609 items with Ancient World, Investment Coins and Reichsgold
September 5th - 6th, 2014
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 139th Auction
Large international offer with strong section Germany and German territorries.
July 12th, 2014
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 138th Auction - Coins
over 600 lots, with a focus on ancient times, Empire gold coins and many Bullion coins
May 23rd - 24th, 2014
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 137th Auction
Extensive selection with 8300 lots from all philatelic areas
March 15th, 2014
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 136th Auction - Coins
interesting collectibles from ancient times to the modern era
March 14th, 2014
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 136th Auction - Liquidation
Bids up to 30% below the start price will be accepted for Lots 2654 - 2969 as long as no higher bids are received.
March 14th, 2014
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 136th Auction - Special Auction
German Local Issues after 1945
March 14th - 15th, 2014
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 136th Auction - Single Lots & Collections
Large Auktion with 10,000 lots from all philatelic areas.
January 18th, 2014
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 135th Auction
International offer of stamps and coins with strong section of German issues.
November 15th - 16th, 2013
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 134th Auction
2700 lots with a total starting price of 700,000 euros, included among others Bonn-Beueler gold coins from ...
September 6-7, 2013
133rd Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auction
International auction offer with strong section in offers from Old German States and German territorries as well as a comprehensive offer ...
July 20th, 2013
132nd Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auction
May 24th - 25th, 2013
131st Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auction
- lareg selection of single lots including rarities off the collection of Dr. Otto Wichtl, Vienna
- ...
March 8th - 9th, 2013
130th Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auction
International auction offer with strong section in german territorries. Also good offer in coins, medals and banknotes.
Januar 12, 2013
129th Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auction
November 16-17, 2012
128th Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auction
September 8, 2012
127th Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auction
International auction offer with strong section in german territorries. Also good offer in coins, medals and banknotes. ...
July 14, 2012
126th Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auction
International auction offer with strong section in german territorries. Also good offer in coins, medals and banknotes.
May 19 & 26, 2012
124th-125th Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auction
International auction offer with strong section in german territorries. Also good offer in coins, medals and banknotes. ...
March 2-3, 2012
123th Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auction
international auction offer with strong section in german territorries. Also good offer in coins, medals and banknotes.
January 14, 2012
122th Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auction
Over 9400 lots are offered during the auction on January 14, 2012. The auction includes strong sections old German states, German Colonies, ...
December 2-3, 2011
121th Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auction
Over 10800 lots are offered during the auction on December 2-3, 2011. The auction includes strong sections old German states, ...
September 2-3, 2011
120th Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auction
Over 10600 lots are offered during the auction on September 2-3, 2011. The auction includes strong ...
July 16, 2011
119th Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auction
Over 8300 lots are offered during the auction on July 16, 2011. The auction includes strong ...
May 27-28, 2011
118th Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auction
Over 10800 lots are offered during the auction on May 27-28, 2011. The auction includes strong sections old German ...
March 11-12, 2011
117th Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auction
Over 10300 lots are offered during the auction on March 11-12, 2011. The auction includes strong sections old German states, German ...
January 8, 2011
116th Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auction
Over 7300 lots are offered during the auction on January 8, 2011. The auction includes strong sections old German states, German Colonies, ...
November 19-20, 2010
115 Reinhard Fischer auction
Over 9400 lots are offered during the auction on November 19-20,2010. The auction includes strong sections old German states, German ...
September 3rd and 4th 2010
114 Reinhard Fischer auction
Over 9100 lots are offered during the auction on September 3-4,2010. The auction includes strong sections old German states, German ...
July 10, 2010
113. Reinhard Fischer auction
7463 lots are offered on the auction day the 10th July 2010. The auction includes strong sections old German states, German Colonies, ...
May 14-15, 2010
112 Reinhard Fischer auction
9267 lots including totalling 1.6 million euros starting bids. The auction includes strong sections old German states, German Colonies, ...
Feb. 26-27, 2010
111 Reinhard Fischer auction
8756 lots including 650 offers coins totalling 1.4 million euros starting bids. The auction includes strong sections Brunswick, Heligoland, ...